Carley Fighting Autism
More news from the Quisling-watch front: The autistic community's most notorious collaborator, Michael John Carley, who apparently has never seen a speaker's fee or a scrap of publicity that he wouldn't stand up on his hind legs and beg for, will be giving a presentation Monday evening as part of an autism web conference series for "parents, teachers and professionals." There's no mention of autistics in the intended audience, which is not at all surprising, given the fact that the sponsor is a group called "Moms Fighting Autism."
Here's the URL:
As they say in the courtroom: Res ipsa loquitur—the thing speaks for itself.
Here's the URL:
As they say in the courtroom: Res ipsa loquitur—the thing speaks for itself.
Labels: Michael John Carley
He better say something they like or he won't be able to come back, lol.
Anonymous, at 10:27 AM
"The autistic community's most notorious collaborator, Michael John Carley,"
Totally agree with that, and suggest that the SECOND most notorious collaborator is Jonathon Mitchell, who fortunately, doesn't have the wit to make any money at selling out as MJC has.
Clay, at 12:07 PM
An the UK's nomination for the lowest-rent end of the autism-advocacy-intestinal-worm:
Dave Angel
Dave runs gaining business via Google keyword ads.
He has a fine selection of "e-books" available.
Apparently getting into actual print is just soooo 2001 and just isn't necessary.
Often his 'articles' are based on things like rehashed drug information leaflets.
He states that one of the reasons you should trust him is:
I have carried out extensive research with over 100 families across the world to find out your biggest problems with bringing up your Aspergers child.
But obviously not the kind of research that would need ethical approval, monitoring or peer review, because our Mr Angel is very, very careful to stay on the right side of the law.
I was going to do a proper hatchet job on him, but it would be cruel to waste my finely sharpened pencil on such a non-entity.
Oh and get this....
This is the killer:
If you Google Parenting Aspergers, you get loadsa ad come up saying things like
Parenting Aspergers
Scam or The Real Deal?
The Truth Will Shock You!
Following the link to what you think will be an exposé - leads you right into Dave Angels website..
Clever, clever money grabbing slime-ball.
So click for Victory; it's £0.17 out of his pocket for every click on one of his bogus links.
Socrates, at 12:36 PM
subscription hack
Socrates, at 12:37 PM
Surely Laurentius is the worst of them all truly in the belly of tomegatherion. Ipse dixit.
Anonymous, at 4:21 PM
Old on a mo, ain't Dave Angel the eco warrior from the fast show
Larry Arnold PhD FRSA, at 4:24 PM
I don't think publishing someone's address on the internet (presumably without their consent) is ethical. I knowhat this man is doing is also deeply unethical, but let's not sink to his level.
stopbeingstupid, at 4:56 PM
I get the feeling that Jon Mitchell hasn't really learned much from his degree studies. Nor from life, really. Like... so he wanted to go into brain research but his autism has kept him from that?
Other people's reaction to the diagnosis, or his own behaviour (regardless of the autism), may have done. His unwillingness to learn, too. They fuck your chances of getting on pretty badly. Other people's prejudices are one of the biggest pbstacles for autistics or any other 'differents'. Pity he can't see that... I guess he didn't listen too well in his social psychology lectures.
As for MJC... he's pandering. And that's shite. How can we trust him?
And publishing private contact details without consent is, I'm afraid, a no-no.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:08 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Socrates, at 5:09 PM
It's already public information...
Socrates, at 5:12 PM
Socrates, it may be public information, but I would appreciate it if you would not post home addresses and personal phone numbers in my comments. There are other ways to deal with slimy exploiters that don't involve harassing them personally.
I've reposted your comments below:
Yeah, Dave Angel is a fictional.
The man behind "Dave Angel" the autism expert is John Hillage, a long time 'internet marketer' from Portsmouth.
He's got his fingers in all sort of internet pies, cancer cures to how to be a dj to autism therapies.
His email is
His home address is:
His home phone number is:
He thinks he's a bit of a hard man.
I doubt very much if he is.
Probably poop himself if we both turned up on his doorstep.
It's for abfh to decide on what stays here.
But I think, falsely representing yourself as a qualified person for the purposes of convincing people to buy an "e-book", which is recycled garbage, is justification enough.
"My name is Dave Angel and I am a social worker with over 11 years real life experience in the field working with families just like yours and a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies.
Over the past eleven years I have worked with hundreds of families who have had children with special needs (both young and old) and have a special interest in Aspergers."
No he doesn't; he doesn't exist beyond John Hillage's computer.
"I have got a great team with me that have helped to develop the solutions to the many problems that you will face as a parent with an Aspergers child.
The team that has helped me is made up of many different experts such as Social Workers, Parents, Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Autism Specialists and Special Needs Teachers."
No he doesn't - he's not real.
"In particular I have a UK Chartered Educational Psychologist (who received her Masters in Psychology at the University of East London) and who has more than 20 years experience as both a Special Needs Teacher and Educational Psychologist.
She is working with me on behavioral and psychological issues for Aspergers children and their family.
I also have a medical doctor from the USA (who received her Medical Doctorate from the University of Minnesota) who has more than 15 years experience in medicine and who works with me on the medical side of Aspergers.
Between them my team have literally hundreds of years of experience of working with thousands of families with Aspergers children.
With this wide range of experience and understanding you can be sure that you will get solutions to your problems that will be both thorough and proven to work in real life."
No he doesn't - he doesn't exist.
abfh, at 5:55 PM
Hi Clay, thanks for the plug, I may be number two, but I try harder.
David, it does not matter whether i listened in my social psych classes or not. I am not an M.ED. pending or distinguished, but I have learned about autism from the inside out, the real world, unlike you, who just learned from books, knows nothing about autism was able to get married, never went to a special ed school and happened to diagnose themselves well into adulthood, only after they found out their daughter was autistic.
jonathan, at 6:00 PM
Sorry. V Angry today. *blush"
Socrates, at 6:04 PM
Clay and Jonathan: This is certainly one of the strangest arguments I've seen in my comments! IMHO, the simple act of writing a blog, which does not appear to have influenced anyone to take action in the real world (no offense intended, Jonathan), does not result in much quisling cred...
My pick for # 2 collaborator is Raun Kaufman for his claims of having been cured by his father's Son-Rise program. He's so low on the autism-advocacy-intestinal-worm scale (thanks for that image Socrates) that he even used Katie McCarron's murder for marketing purposes.
abfh, at 6:32 PM
jonathan said...
"Hi Clay, thanks for the plug, I may be number two, but I try harder."
You're "number two" all right, a whole pile of it!
abfh said...
"IMHO, the simple act of writing a blog, which does not appear to have influenced anyone to take action in the real world (no offense intended, Jonathan), does not result in much quisling cred..."
The "Quisling" part comes in because he's best buds with JBJr and Doherty, and for his anti-autistic comments on LB/RB.
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
Hi ABFH: It was autism's gadfly who broke the story on neurodiversity's crusade against autism speaks based on Zach Lassiter's phony claim that they were trying to put his t-shirt company out of business as being completely bogus. It forced both Zach and Amanda Baggs to apologize for their groundless diatribes against AS. I notice that you did not fact checking when you ran that bogus stuff in whose planet is it anyway? Nor did Alex plank who still runs it on the front page of his blog. Can you cite a single post on whose planet is it anyway who has influenced anyone in the real world? The score is 1 to 0 so far.
John Best and Harold Doherty's sons barring a miracle will never be able to write a blog post the way clay adams does who wants to trivialize their very serious autism. Other than that I won't respond to Mr. Adams' immature platitudes.
jonathan, at 7:33 PM
Please be as careful as me, before you put the boot in - I don't casually accuse people of being slime-buckets etc. without something to back it up..
Zack's claim wasn't "entirely bogus" - it was made in good faith and he had every right to make the claims he did.
Socrates, at 7:39 PM
abfh said...
"IMHO, the simple act of writing a blog, which does not appear to have influenced anyone to take action in the real world (no offense intended, Jonathan), does not result in much quisling cred..."
AND, the mere fact that he's inept and ineffective doesn't take anything away from his status as a traitor.
He admitted on his blog that he learned his attitude about autism being a "horrible tragedy" at his mother's knee, and refuses to consider any other point of view.
I did read you Kaufmann link, and agree he's pretty low, but then, I never come across him in my reading. Jon M. doesn't just stay on his blog, but takes it on the road to infest other people's blogs.
Anonymous, at 7:40 PM
Well have you seen JBjnr lately?
Not one to keep sensible company with for sure.
He is so far beyond the pale he is practically in Ballybunion.
Have you seen his latest? Calling on Al Qaeada to take an explosive stance against big Pharma.
That man is either going to end up in Guantanemo or the local Bedlam.
Anonymous, at 7:58 PM
Anonymous said...
"Well have you seen JBjnr lately?"
Yeah, I check on him about once a week, (can't stand to more often than that). The man's a raving lunatic, and I only hope he's institutionalized before he puts his son in one. But what's most likely to happen is one day we'll read about him "going postal" and shooting up someplace.
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
Clay: Sometimes the people who cause the most harm are doing it without attracting much attention to themselves.
Jonathan: It seems to me that you're twisting the facts a tad. My recollection is that Zach corrected his story after he spoke with a manager at Zazzle and got more information. I doubt that your blog had anything whatsoever to do with his decision to make a correction.
Anon 1 & 2: I'd rather muck out a stable than read JBjr's blog. However, because Obama is planning to close Guantanamo, I think the other possibilities are more likely.
abfh, at 8:17 PM
I doubt it's a coincidence that the same advocate being called a collaborator and a traitor is also an advocate who has been much more actively involved than the anti-cure advocates, in support groups, conferences, and the like, in which he actually deals with people involved in the issue.
I imagine he has to do a lot more than just telling people what to think about autism issues, and may be used to taking feedback seriously. He seems to me to be a lot more willing to take responsibility for the things he says than his intransigent opponents who call him a traitor. And I likely don't even agree with half the things he says.
With so many sneaky "curebie" bashers and other people who try to stand in the way of helpful efforts, I'm glad John Best is around to expose what really is going on. I think hotheads are needed in this dire situation.
lurker, at 11:11 PM
Oh dear, Jonny boy, what an ignorant assuming piece of shit you really are, eh?
"David, it does not matter whether i listened in my social psych classes or not."
Yes, it does. You'd know more about the influence of other people's prejudices and their effects on the everyday lives of those subjected to them. Dipshit.
"I am not an M.ED. pending or distinguished, but I have learned about autism from the inside out, the real world, unlike you, who just learned from books,"
Learned from real life, inside out. There sems to have been as suspicion of autism when I was younger, but not much was done about it. Very nearly ended up in a special school but - if you are a product of special education - I'm glad I didn't fucking go! LoL!
"knows nothing about autism was able to get married, never went to a special ed school and happened to diagnose themselves well into adulthood, only after they found out their daughter was autistic."
I know more about autism than you'll ever fucking know, tosspot! LoL And yes, I was able to get married... not all that rare, actually! And I was diagnosed by two psychiatrists in the UK as an adult back in 1997. Get your fucking facts straight, and contend with being an idiot. My god... this is why you only have a Bachelor's degree.
Now we know the REAL Jonathan Mitchell, don't we? Hates anyone on the spectrum who did a shitload better than he feels he did.
Self-sorrowing arsehole.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 12:57 AM
oh, and Jonathan...
learn to read
"I am not an M.ED. pending or distinguished..."
Nor am I.
I'm an M. Ed. (With Distinction); the M. Ed. was never pending.
Plus all the other fuck-ups in your facts... hard to believe you're even a Bachelor's graduate!
Oh boy...
I pity you, Jon... I pity you.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:05 AM
"Have you seen his latest? Calling on Al Qaeada to take an explosive stance against big Pharma."
Holy bollocks! LoL
The man really HAS goen psychotic!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:11 AM
david i pity you, anyone who would post such nasty insults and abuse is pathetic. I feel sorry for your daughter and any patients/clients you have as a masters in educational psychology
And BTW ABFH, zach only called the management at zazzle because of my story otherwise he never would have contacted them, you can believe that or not
jonathan, at 1:46 AM
"david i pity you, anyone who would post such nasty insults and abuse is pathetic. I feel sorry for your daughter and any patients/clients you have as a masters in educational psychology"
i think all you deserve is insults when you can't get your bloody facts right. and i can tell you now, you were way out of bloody line.
pity you didn't learn to get your facts right when you did your degree. plus, on insults and abuse, you're nobody to talk.
so STFU.
no wonder you can't get work.
it ends here, this does.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:05 AM
While we're on the quisling list, what about the reguarity with which Valerie Paradiz and Stephen Shore turn up at fringe biomed conferences? These conferences promote chelation and other unproven and dangerous therapies, so what are they doing there lending an air of legitimacy to proceedings? I like both of them but this I've never been able to work out.
Alyric, at 9:42 AM
Alyric said:
"I like both of them but this I've never been able to work out."
Yeah, I've MET both of them, like both of them, but don't understand what the hell they're doing.
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM
I finally got to meet Stephen Shore, he's ok, and yes Jonathon he had read what I wrote about him on my blog. I think he makes a better presenter than Temple G, clearly knows a lot more about other peoples autism than she does, and if he says at those other conferences what he said at the NAS conference, he is at least presenting a different and a better perspective than Temple G.
Larry Arnold PhD FRSA, at 1:21 PM
Notwithstanding Clay will jump on me again for self agrandisment at other peoples expence, but I doubt if my blog is very influential, far too whiny IMO except I blame everything other than autism for my poor bugger me status.
I do have to say as far as influencing people is concerned, the way the NAS is currently considering Adult Autistics and actually engaging with us is not a little because I was there at the right time in the belly of the beast and taking all the knocks for that.
Larry Arnold PhD FRSA, at 1:29 PM
Larry, although I have argued with you at times, I respect your willingness to go into the "belly of the beast." For blogs and other websites to have any effect in changing people's attitudes, they also have to be backed up by real life action.
abfh, at 1:58 PM
Oh Dear, Mr Ranty's just turned up...
The NAS, for focusing on the media friendly Aspies in their I Exist campaign (including the latest member of our world-wide autsim community, Mr Gary "Got Any King Sized Rizla and a Diagnosis in a Hurry, Geezer?" McKinnon) deserve a Real World kick up the Ass.
Mr Ranty has now left the building...
Socrates, at 2:25 PM
David, you need a DMCA notice and send it to John Best if you'll check his blog. I contacted the FBI about the Al Queda post and it's gone now.
Mitchell, stop talking about Autism. Reason being is that you haven't accepted it about yourself. You can't talk about it until you accept it. You've been brought up to hate it and yourself and that's not a good thing.
So shut up. You've got no idea. David's got you thrashed and you refuse to admit it.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM
Oh and Mitchell, Zach does his own thing. I'll bet in fact that he doesn't even read your blog or website.
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM
So little Jonny Mitchell went running to his boyfriend Johnny-Wohnnie Best, eh?
Jon Mitchell and John Best Jr make good bed partners since neither of them has been known to present accurate facts.
JBJr doesn't know what university I got my M. Ed. from. Fuck, he doesn't even know where he got his own alleged degrees from!
Jon Mitchell doesn't display any skills in his writing that provide evidence of anything other than a really mediocre degree result would justify. Sure - can be clever - but really has no clue about getting facts right.
Maybe his supervisor was JBJr, I dunno. That would certainly explain how he got it! LoL
Heh ... John and Jonny... what a fucking pair!
Pity they don't have lives, innit? :P
"David, you need a DMCA notice and send it to John Best if you'll check his blog. I contacted the FBI about the Al Queda post and it's gone now."
Thanks, Phil.
I'm in the middle of a house move, but I'll get onto someone about that soon after. I can't believe that someone with the qualification JBJr claims to have can fuck up so much on his facts! Maybe he hasn't got all these degrees he claims to have. Certainly hasn't show any of the skills needed for one. And I should know: I supervise Master's degree theses.
"(to Jonny) So shut up. You've got no idea. David's got you thrashed and you refuse to admit it."
Does seem that I have if he has to run to his bum-chum, dunnit? :P
If JM wants to know why people won't employ him... we've found out now, haven't we? :)
Sneaky greasy twat! LoL
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 6:34 PM
Sanity Pending,
You should be ashamed of yourself.
John Best, at 6:41 PM
I did suggest that Jonathan goes to dating agency, spark a blunt, take some chill pills and look for a job.
I sure there's someone, somewhere would deflower him as a Christian duty.
He will have to learn to stop moaning though.
God! I've been actively suicidal and happier than him...
Socrates, at 6:52 PM
I hope abfh doesn't mind, but - on the off-chance that JBJr doesn't have the balls to keep the post there (knowing he's gonna get a DMCA notice very soon) - I'm going to tell what he said here:
Autism in Finland, Treatment Strategies, David Andrews
Something about which JBJr is a world-renowned expert - NOT!
This is the Finnish psychologist David Andrews. Below is a discussion of how Mr Andrews treats autism.
LoL - factual error number 1: I'm not Finnish... I'm Scottish!
David Andrews is a psychologist with a Master's Degree from Oulu U. who might now be working someplace in the field of psychology.
Um ... how often does this guy wank? He must wank a lot since he has seen what university is named on my master's degree!!! Evidently a case of masturbation-induced blindness. Oh boy, Johnny... you're getting worse.
I don't know if he spends his days keeping statistics on rats or actually takes money for dealing with mentally ill people.
Umm ... factual error number two: ed-psychs who specialise in working with adults don't do academic experimental research. I very nearly did get a job working with mentally ill people in the local mental health centre. My Finnish language - although good - is still not up to a level where I could work with the protracted cases they deal with. The offer was likely to be made but for that, but I had to withdraw my application because of the language requirements for such work (I can provide evidence of this).
I can only hope he is not allowed to see children professionally.
Error number three: I trained to work with adults... I have part-qualification to work with children, and have done some work with younger people; but my age-range for specialism was always 16+ (teacher training was on a Cert. Ed. (16+) course, and my M. Ed. specialism is Autism (Adults)).
Andrews likes to contribute to a deranged cult of sadists who present false information about autism.
Error number four: to my knowledge there is no such cult.
These sadists get their jollies by making fun of autistic people and berating them whenever they need a laugh for themselves.
Error number five: erroneous by virtue of error number four.
David Andrews happened to catch an autistic man trying to stand up for himself while commenting at a blog run by a mentally challenged woman who calls herself the Autistic Bitch from Hell.
Error number six: all I did was to comment on what JM seems to have learned, which is actually not a lot. Many people would be happy to get a degree let alone a bloody mediocre one (as JM himself has said his is). That post is visible. And - if anyone has any doubt as to whether I'm qualified to assess that learning at higher education level... again, I supervise master's degree theses. That is all the evidence needed to justify what I said about his learning.
You can see the full exchange here.
At this point, a link to this blog.
Below, the Finnish psychologist demonstrates how Oulu University taught him to treat people with autism who seek help for their disability. Andrews' remarks are bolded.
Error number seven: this is not how I 'treat autism'! If anything, it's how I treat ignorance.
Error number eight: the University of Oulu did not teach me the professional level skills... my BA-equivalence was finished off there and I was able to get a transfer to another university that specialised in my desired field.
(he then goes on to quote - oh-so-selectively from here, without finding the bit that Mitchell used as an inflammatory)
Posted by Foresam at 11:02 AM 2 comments
So... eight glaring errors.
Either JBJr is not really academically qualified, or he is an inveterate wilful liar.
And JM is - on this evidence - probably a snivelling little shit.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 6:59 PM
"Sanity Pending,
You should be ashamed of yourself."
Inciter to acts of terrorism, you have no room to talk, boy.
How useless are you when you have to ask Al fucking Qaida to take on Eli fucking Lilly?
Spare me the embarrassment of being cleverer than an older guy who has less of a life than he wishes I fucking had.
Now go and crawl back into your skitstövel. You've brought too much reek over here already.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:02 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:04 PM
this blog has been screen dumped as evidence. and so has JBJr's.
DMCA coming to you, Johnny boy!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:12 PM
LoL .... Jon M... what a sniveller!
He's written about me too! LoL
again, he's misquoted and forgotten that he was actually in the wrong on factuals!
socrates, hit him with that agency again.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:19 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
jonathan, at 7:42 PM
harry williams (aka socrates) a man who can't even have a roof over his head and house himself never accomplished squat in his life trying to give someone advice in an insulting manner, absolutely pathetic.
jonathan, at 7:58 PM
Sanity Pending,
Still don't have the balls to answer Watson's assessment of you from a year and a half ago? Yup, it's much easier to abuse autistic people, isn't it nitwit?
John Best, at 8:02 PM
"Sanity Pending,
Still don't have the balls to answer Watson's assessment of you from a year and a half ago?"
What assessment? Pack of blatant bloody lies???? Call that an assessment? LoL
"Yup, it's much easier to abuse autistic people, isn't it nitwit?"
You tell me. You're the expert on that one.
As well you (and everyone else) should know by now.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 8:06 PM
I'm not homeless.
I've been a journalist, magazine editor, music promoter, (and a dish washer).
I've got a university degree.
I've had sex.
With girls.
Lots of it.
All with girls.
Socrates, at 8:16 PM
So he lies about you too, Socrates, eh?
He's lied about me, and now you... what else has he lied about to everybody?
disturbing trend, him and his 'buddy', innit?
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 8:17 PM
Sanity Pending,
Thanks for confirming you're still gutless.
John Best, at 8:28 PM
"Sanity Pending,
Thanks for confirming you're still gutless."
Refusing to respond to a pack of crap designed to provoke?
Get help, John.
You definitely need it now.
I'm not gutless. But you are.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 8:31 PM
Sanity Pending,
The exposition of your lies about yourself and your daughter was not designed to provoke you. It merely showed you as another liar from Neurodiversity. The fact that you have refused to answer Watson for all this time proves you are not only a liar but a spineless coward.
Can you find any other autistic people to abuse, coward? Do you think this one has had enough of your drunken idiocy?
John Best, at 9:12 PM
"Sanity Pending,
The exposition of your lies about yourself and your daughter was not designed to provoke you."
Me lying? Fucking Jesus, what a bloody laugh! Next you'll be saying that you can read minds, John!
The liar is you.
Well, you and your wee bum-chum.
"It merely showed you as another liar from Neurodiversity."
You're obsessed, John. Go for treatment. I'm serious. This is not me laughing. I'm very serious. Go for treatment.
"The fact that you have refused to answer Watson for all this time proves you are not only a liar but a spineless coward."
Wrong again, but that's how it goes with obsessions like yours. I couldn't be arsed to spend time intended for my thesis engaging in a pointless exchange with someone who may well just be a JBJr sock-puppet. Still can't be arsed. The obsession's yours, John. Get it treated. Seriously.
"Can you find any other autistic people to abuse, coward?"
Talking to yourself again, John. Project much?
"Do you think this one has had enough of your drunken idiocy?"
What drunken idiocy? Talk to your friends JM... he's behaving like a fool.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:27 PM
Sanity Pending,
No balls, David. Lots of drunken gibberish but no balls.
John Best, at 9:53 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:58 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 10:00 PM
"Sanity Pending,
No balls, David. Lots of drunken gibberish but no balls."
Not even close to drunk! LoL
You're losing it, John.
and i can't believe you're still obsessed with my bloody balls, man!!!!
seriously... get some help.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 10:03 PM
Sanity Pending,
Your childish insults are a poor defense of being uncovered as a fraud.
People who are not frauds defend themselves, coward.
John Best, at 11:03 PM
"Sanity Pending,
Your childish insults are a poor defense of being uncovered as a fraud.
People who are not frauds defend themselves, coward."
stuck record, John.
obsessively stuck. and disturbingly so.
you're a nothing.
notice. no swearing here. when i'm serious, i don't swear.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 11:11 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clay, at 12:56 AM
Jon M. said:
"Other than that I won't respond to Mr. Adams' immature platitudes."
Oh come on!
When a moke like you,
admits he's "number two",
then a bloke like me,
is bound to agree.
I'm truly sorry that your domineering mother taught you that your life was a horrible tragedy because of "the autism". I can see how you would learn to curse it, because it kept your mum from loving you as you are. She thought there must be *something* she could do to help you, cure you, and you wanted to believe it too.
You long for the day when you can go to her and say, "Look Ma, I'm Cured!" And then she'll finally love you.
Ain't gonna happen, get over it, and get on with your life. If you can't accept it yourself, then NO ONE else will either.
Clay, at 1:04 AM
harry you are homeless, you don't even have a loo to crap in, you did not do any of those professionally besides being a dishwasher. The only girls you had sex with walked on four legs and are in the dog pound or animal shelter.
jonathan, at 3:58 AM
Andrews: The person who needs pyshciatric help is you. You are one very sick dude, I suggest you get some help for your daughter's sake if not for your own sake.
Clay Adams: You are nothing but a gutless liar, what you said about my admitting on my blog that i learned to hate autism from my mother's knee is a complete and deliberate fabrication on your part. Grow up and get a life, you are truly pathetic.
jonathan, at 4:04 AM
Oh what a fine world we live in. I post, and guess who follows like the snivelling little scaredy cat he is.
Our resident fruit loop from Londonderry, New Hampshire.
Stalking much?
And the picture got removed as a result of my little note to David just to prove his fear of me!
Mitchell - I quote from your blog (and I was the one who made the original remark here - not Clay);
"yes, Ivar, my mom is still living, she was a nice mother and her attitude towards autism was like mine, that it is a horrible disability that needs to be cured."
Still want to deny that you were taught to hate Autism by your intolerant mother? Don't - it's the truth and you'd be better off admitting it and get yourself re-educated in what it is you have. No fabrication at all. She's not a nice mother. She's a failure just like Best is as a father. She promoted the hate by treating your condition as a complete and utter negative, and that has been compounded by your self confessed pessimism. I don't neccessarily agree with Socrates about getting a job, but you should at least be getting off your rear end and doing something about the issue with employment as I am.
If you have the courage that is.
Anonymous, at 4:34 AM
Your childish insults are a poor defense of being uncovered as a fraud.
And this from a failed father who insults left right and centre when HE is exposed for the fool HE is!
And hiding his own Aspieness!
Anonymous, at 4:56 AM
JM: "You are one very sick dude"
Um... who was the one who wrote "The only girls you had sex with walked on four legs and are in the dog pound or animal shelter" to Socrates?
No, Mitchell. I'm not sick. You are.
And you're a serious liar, too.
1- "harry williams (aka socrates) a man who can't even have a roof over his head and house himself never accomplished squat in his life"
you have proof that would stand up in court?
2- "you don't even have a loo to crap in,"
again, Mitchell... proof?
3- "you did not do any of those professionally besides being a dishwasher."
yet again... proof?
4- "The only girls you had sex with walked on four legs and are in the dog pound or animal shelter."
and again... proof?
Really not a nice person at all, are you? I'm not sure you can tell the difference between a lie and a true statement. You need to learn.
I'm very glad I'm not you.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:09 AM
how does one get that DMCA thing going?
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:13 AM
"And the picture got removed as a result of my little note to David just to prove his fear of me!"
Oh, interesting, that is. I just checked, Phil... and JBJr's removed a picture of me! Just as I was gonna tell the videographer that his work had been misappropriated!
Bugger! LoL
"Mitchell - I quote from your blog (and I was the one who made the original remark here - not Clay);"
And again, Phil... evidence that JM isn't actually reading anything properly and doesn't care to check his facts. He never checked anything he presented as 'fact' about me. And he obviously gets pissed off when people pull him up in when he lies, rather than being prepared to apologise and correct the lie. And he's actually no better than JBJr in that respect.
"Totally agree with that, and suggest that the SECOND most notorious collaborator is Jonathon Mitchell, who fortunately, doesn't have the wit to make any money at selling out as MJC has."
Clay... I actually disagree, and I think that many would after the last few hours' events on here. It does look as if the placings are actually the other way round. MJC may be a condescending wee person, but he's not known for being an outright liar.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:33 AM
John, you really do need help. Trying to cope with life bringing up a severely autistic child with so much hate in your heart is just making a difficult task, impossible.
I feel for Margaret - the unknown and unrecognised heroine of this situation - holding it all together.
You also need help with some issues; issues that aren't really autism related.
Life is difficult for a lot of people. In fact most people that end up in mental institutions are Neurotypical.
Blaming everything on autism is avoiding responsibility for your life. You are the captain of the ship, the master of your fate - not autism.
Socrates, at 5:57 AM
laurentius rex said...
"Notwithstanding Clay will jump on me again for self agrandisment at other peoples expence, but I doubt if my blog is very influential, far too whiny IMO except I blame everything other than autism for my poor bugger me status."
I'm glad you've thought about what I said a bit, Larry, but please read it again, because I made the point that it's worse when you go trashing people *on their own blogs*. So far as I can see, Michelle treats everyone respectfully, and should be accorded the same.
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
Sanity Pending,
All the DMCA could do for you is force me to remove a picture. I don't need the aggravation of having to redo the post so I linked to your video. Other than that, there's nothing you can do.
You try to make a living off the backs of autistic people while you come here and insult and degrade them. You're a fraud.
John Best, at 9:33 AM
I just wrote this on Jonathan's blog, but as I have no confidence he will publish it, I'll put it here too.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You said:
"Let me say this now, this is an outright lie on clay adam's part. I never admitted on my blog that I learned about autism being a horrible tragedy from my mother."
Here is the dialogue:
Ivar said...
Hi Jonathon,
If I may ask, is your mother still alive? What was she like, while you were growing up, and what was her attitude towards autism?
December 25, 2008 11:01 AM
Blogger jonathan said...
yes, Ivar, my mom is still living, she was a nice mother and her attitude towards autism was like mine, that it is a horrible disability that needs to be cured. She also tried to get help for my perceptual motor problems with tutoring and sent me to some special education schools and looked for medications or other treatments that could alleviate my problems but there were none that did any good.
December 25, 2008 9:20 PM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jonathon, which of you was older, you or your mother? Who was in the authoritative position? Now who grew up believing he was defective, because HE LEARNED IT FROM HIS MOTHER??? There is no other explanation, you adopted HER attitude about autism, not "her attitude was similar to yours".
Just imagine what you would have been like, if you had been raised by, say, jypsy, who loves her sons NO MATTER WHAT, and didn't teach them to hate themselves.
Anonymous, at 9:38 AM
"All the DMCA could do for you is force me to remove a picture."
Indeed. The copyright belongs to the videographer. You taking the pic away before I even got chance to tell the videographer suggests that you are not really much of a man: wouldn't you have - if you felt you'd been right to use the pic - just kept it there and daren't me to get the DMCA?
Fucking wuss!!! LoL I can't take you seriously at all, John.
"I don't need the aggravation of having to redo the post so I linked to your video."
More traffic for the video. You may have done me a favour. Nice one. Maybe you're not such a twat after all.
"Other than that, there's nothing you can do."
So? That issue was for the videographer, not me.
"You try to make a living off the backs of autistic people while you come here and insult and degrade them."
Your ugly bum-chum was actually lying about me and you expect me to put up with it? He shouldn't have lied. He got less than he deserved.
"You're a fraud."
Says a man whose aim in life is to use his son's disability to sue a major pharmaceuticals company in order to get more money to feed his gambling addiction.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:49 AM
Latrine lips: The burden is on harry to prove these things not me, he says one thing on his blog and another on here, either way he is a liar as are you, with all the things you have said to me. Based on assuming what you said is true, only being diagnosed well into adulthood, never being in a special ed school in your life, you are still not explaining to me how you could possibly know more about autism than i do, also were you diagnosed as asperger's or autism, two different things. i had a speech delay as a child, did you? Or are you just someone with asperger's claiming they have the same sort of disability as someone with autism?
Clay: I published your drivel on autism's gadfly. I have no problem publishing something where someone makes the complete jackass out of themselves that you did. You showed that I never said what you said. You proved yourself that you are an out and out liar, you only showed what a sleezeball you are by having to stoop to saying things about my mother and your lack of intellect about having to use these ad hominem arguments instead of stating some facts.
Gluyas: I am going to be charitable to you and not even respond to a deranged wingnut like you.
jonathan, at 10:54 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Socrates, at 11:03 AM
"deranged wingnut "
straight off of Beast's blog.
Jonathan, you're full off sh!t.
Go do something useful like campaign for employment services or at least write a blog that people with power and influence will read.
Today, The New Republic's had visitors from Oxford University/Wellcome Institute, the BBC, the National Autistic Society, Staffordshire University and the head office of the local health service...
Who's been reading your self-pitying whining today (apart from me)?
Socrates, at 11:04 AM
Sanity Pending,
As long as you are too afraid to respond to Watson, you confirm that you have no balls. You can call me all the names you want. It can't change the fact that you are a gutless fraud.
John Best, at 11:04 AM
Once again, reposting my post on JM's blog.
jonathan said...
"Clay, thanks for printing that out,"
You're quite welcome.
"it shows what a liar you are, anyone with any lick of intelligence (which you clearly don't have) can see that I never acknowledged I learned this attitude from my mother,"
Right, you didn't exactly "acknowledge" it, but you admitted it without *realizing* you admitted it. Anyone with a lick of intelligence can see that her attitude PRECEDED yours, and you learned it from her practically as you suckled. You overheard her talking about you to your father, your Doctor, your relatives, your teachers, and you internalized her unacceptance of the reality of autism!
"I came to it on my own."
No way, for the reasons described above.
"I told Jypsy one time that I suspected that if there were a cure I suspected that she and her son would be at the front of the line for it,"
The fact that you told her that doesn't make it true. How did She respond? (Careful now, cause I can ask her.)
I really AM sorry that your mother never accepted you as you are. SOMEbody should have, and that's what mothers are supposed to do.
Anonymous, at 11:19 AM
Harry: you can go to autism's gadfly and check the site meter to see who is reading my stuff. I got over 75 visitors yesterday and I am at more than 30 today and so far it is not even 9 o'clock in the morning here in california. It seems like all of you bullies and cowards in the neurodiversity movement are helping generate a lot of traffic for my blog. As I said, you can check my stats for yourself there if you want to see who is reading it and see the rise in traffic. It is available to the public, including you.
As I have said before for the umpteenth time, why don't you try to take your own advice and get a job and find a way to house yourself so at least you can have a loo to crap in anytime you want. Your advice is worthless if you can't use it to help yourself, but we are going over old ground.
jonathan, at 11:24 AM
Clay i proved you were a liar, why don't you just give it a rest. You are just making yourself look even more foolish and imbecilic. Jypsy said, I suspected wrong. I could have had jypsy as a mother in the hypothetical scenario that you pointed out and i still would have had the same attitude, because i have lived with this disability for more than 50 years and I can see what hell it is, nothing to do with parental attitudes.
If parental attitudes are as important in shaping someone's life as you say, then you must have had poor excuses as parents for having brought up someone as boorish as you are. I don't know what your interest in autism is, but assuming you are on the spectrum, you present the best argument to parents for trying to cure their kids so they don't turn out like you.
jonathan, at 11:30 AM
"The burden is on harry to prove these things not me, he says one thing on his blog and another on here, either way he is a liar as are you, with all the things you have said to me."
Wrong. You are making the claim about him therefore it is for YOU to prove them. That is how it works, even if you can't handle that aspect of being responsible for what you say.
"Based on assuming what you said is true, only being diagnosed well into adulthood, never being in a special ed school in your life, you are still not explaining to me how you could possibly know more about autism than i do, also were you diagnosed as asperger's or autism, two different things."
Formal training on top of life experience that has been examined in the light of theory; and - quite frankly - there is very little in the issue autism (F84.0) or Asperger syndrome (F84.5) since the delay in speech is not required in either... In ICD 10, the speech delay/lack criterion is one of four out of which only one need be present. The same applies to DSM IV, which - let's face it - was developed on the back of ICD 10. A study by Miller and Ozonoff (I forget the date) concluded that none of the four children described by Asperger in his Habilitation thesis actually met the DSM IV criteria for Asperger syndrome (299.80), but clearly fulfilled the criteria for autism (299.00). Evidently you didn't know this. One aspect of autism knowledge that you didn't know, but which I do. Maybe I do know more than you do. Which pisses you off,I'm sure. Tough.
"i had a speech delay as a child, did you?"
Yes. Didn't speak for the first three years of my life. Your implicit assumption that I did is yet another of your 'made up facts'. Not very good at this, are you?
"Or are you just someone with asperger's claiming they have the same sort of disability as someone with autism?"
Um... you saying that it isn't possible? If so, you really are clueless about the reality of life at all points on the spectrum. Tantam's report on my childhood development said that - although he was confirming my local psychiatrist's diagnosis - under the current criteria, I would have been diagnosed autistic (F84.0). Incidentally, if F84.0 and F84.5 were truly different species, that statement would not have been possible; yet a psychiatrist who knows more about the diagnosis of adults than I do has made that statement. And since I know more than you do on this (tough... you're lack of thorough knowledge is starting to become very clear now), well... it's clear that Tantam knows way more than you could ever hope to learn.
You're losing.
"Gluyas: I am going to be charitable to you and not even respond to a deranged wingnut like you."
LoL. You just did! Not very clever, are you?
Grow up, Mitchell. Leave the real knowledge to those who have been willing to learn - even if it challenges their existing schemata.
"It can't change the fact that you are a gutless fraud."
Pillicock sat on Pillicock Hill... 'Aloo, aloo!'
John. Your obsession is really quite disturbing. If you think I'm a fraud (I'm not, and those who actually do know me know that), then put me in a court of law and demonstrate why I am one. If you can't do that, shut the fuck up.
And stop trying to defraud Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals of their money. Using your son in that sort of manner is probably the shittiest thing a father can do to his child.
Sometimes there isn't enough vomit in the world.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 11:57 AM
Oh, and I'm claiming Fair Use on the King Lear excerpt.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 11:59 AM
It's the quality of your visitors that count.
You're talking crap about me. I can't be bothered to refute such nonsense. And you're talking nonsense about David - David's well known in the UK, as five minutes with Googling would tell you...
Now back to the substantive issue,
You may well be able to talk about the woe that's filled your life. Well, that's you're experience and interpretation.
I too have woe aplenty - I interpret it differently. I view it in the context of my parents' and grand parents' lives and experiences - and all my autistic woes are nothing to what my family's endured over the years.
Did you get shot by a German during the war? Did you have a German bomb drop on you when you were 7 years old? Did you nearly die in a mining accident that killed all your workmates? Did you see your wife die young? Did you watch one of your children slowly suffocate from pneumonia and die?
All of these things have happened to my family and they just kept on, keeping on.
It's the stiff upper lip, old boy.
You just don't get it do you? The world is full of unhappy, screwed up people - none of whom are autistic.
You're using autism as an excuse to avoid responsibility for your life.
Socrates, at 12:13 PM
"And you're talking nonsense about David - David's well known in the UK, as five minutes with Googling would tell you..."
Thanks, Socrates!
Seems I'm actually well-known in Finland, too... only I never knew it.
"(to Mitchell) You just don't get it do you? The world is full of unhappy, screwed up people - none of whom are autistic."
"(to Mitchell) You're using autism as an excuse to avoid responsibility for your life."
I've seen this done by people experiencing other difficulties, when I worked as a research technician at my local hospital medical physics department. Guy with a cerebral palsy dx... even the staff weren't keen on him. I saw him once a week; they'd to put up with him all day, every weekday.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 12:31 PM
David, with the DMCA - I was actually referring to the picture only. Best has removed it now so the DMCA is a non issue. Sorry if I gave the wrong idea about that.
As for Mitchell "reading anything properly" I think he's trying to ignore me like the coward he is and looking for a scapegoat other than me.
Gluyas: I am going to be charitable to you and not even respond to a deranged wingnut like you.
There you go, everyone - that confirms my opinion of you, Mitchell. You are a gutless wonder. I've exposed you for what you are, and Clay ran with it and you targeted him instead of me. You're shit scared of me and won't address me because I've got the answers AND the truth and you don't want to face it. Be a man while you still have time in your life to do so. Dump your mother as the witch she is and DO something with you life. David has. So has Socrates. So have I. So have many on the Spectrum. What's your problem? You don't have any excuse. Fight for your right to be YOU - an Autistic.
As long as you are too afraid to respond to Watson, you confirm that you have no balls.
Best, the world knows that Watson doesn't exist. He's a sock puppet of you - like the "Timelord" on the Autism Web forum. Why should David respond to a sock?
Anonymous, at 3:28 PM
Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Best
Answer me these things?
How do you come to your conclusion that fitting in to the majority of NT society is the correct and moral thing to do?
Have you ever heard of the phrase what might be popular is not always right and what is right might not always be popular?
How do you know that everything that your mother has told you is true Mr Mitchell?
Mr. Mitchell, how do you know all of your research is accurate as of today?
Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Best how can you be absolutely 100% certain that everything you say and believe is correct?
Why would you want to become a liar, a user and a cheater like a lot of so-called normal people are?
Mr. Mitchell, If your mom is still alive, is a christain, believes in the inerrancy of the holy bible ask her this. Would a so called Godly society treat you as bad as it did and relegate you to destitution or would a Godly society welcome you as one of it's own and have a place for you in it and give you a decent life no matter your restrictions?
Here is another question Mr. Mitchell to ask your mother. Ask her based upon what this website says about Sodom if America is becoming a bunch of Sodomites based upon the holy word of God? Look at this too before you keep ragging on about Homosexuality.
Would a good and just society support liars, perverters of justice, murderers, bullies, thieves, haters of foreigners, the poor, and the needy by biblical standards?
These questions go to Mr. John Best as well.
By the way Mr. Best my challenge to you still stands.
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM
jonathan said...
"Clay i proved you were a liar, why don't you just give it a rest. You are just making yourself look even more foolish and imbecilic."
You didn't prove nuthin', except that you didn't really READ my last post. You revealed that your mother's attitude about autism was that it was "a horrible disability that needs to be cured". You HAD to have learned that from her Jon,
you *knew* that was her attitude before you could even talk. And "mama's boy" that you are, you were never one to go against her.
"Jypsy said, I suspected wrong."
Ah yes, now I remember, that's just what she said. A wise lady.
Granted there are some, but damn few of us would take a "cure" if available. To paraphrase an old saw, "Better the "self" you know, than the "self" you don't know.
"I could have had jypsy as a mother in the hypothetical scenario that you pointed out and i still would have had the same attitude, because i have lived with this disability for more than 50 years and I can see what hell it is, nothing to do with parental attitudes."
Yeah, you'd still be autistic, but you wouldn't have learned self-loathing, You would have been loved by SOMEBODY, instead of by nobody. You wouldn't have been such a negative noodge.
And now, I'm going to admit that I kinda *did* lie about something - - when I signed a post or two as "Ivar". Yeah, that was me, and just so we could have this little chat here. Oh, there IS an Ivar, (nice young man who lives in Norway), and you thought he was a friend, so I used his name when I asked you (politely, as he would have), about your mum and her attitude about autism. I think it's unfolded nicely. ;-)
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM
Note to Self:
Don't Pick a Fight With Clay ;-)
Socrates, at 4:45 PM
Socrates said...
"Note to Self:
Don't Pick a Fight With Clay ;-)"
YOU I like! Great sense of humor! ;-)
Anonymous, at 4:55 PM
Mr. Mitchell
There is one more thing. You do realize that your buddy Mr. Best has encouraged the euthanasia(fancy word for "MURDER") of autistic children? This was in one of Mr. Best's Posts that he took down in his blog.
How do you answer for that Mr. Mitchell? How can you be buddies with a man who has encouraged genocide of a select group of people?
I am not only a diagnoised aspie by a licensed psychologist but I am of jewish descent. Both of my parents are jews.
I not only as a diagnoised aspie but as a person of Jewish descent have an obligation to be a part of the Neurodiversity movement but I have an obligation and a duty to help stop the likes of Mr. Best from helping to perpetuate another genocide and a another holocaust.
You, Mr. Mitchell, are exactly the like vichi police in france and the people in france who went to bed with the Nazis and brought French Jews to the Nazis to be put to death in the concentration camps.
Mr. Mitchell, you're hatred of yourself has led you to become a sympathizer to people who want to commit genocide and again I have an obgliation not only as an aspie but as a jew to help stop this.
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
What the hell is a cube demon? What challenge?
If you want to know how Euthanasia will be done, you should check my blog from October, a post about Alzheimer's.
The post of mine you refer to was sarcasm directed at ignorant people from my side of this agenda. i HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY ENDIRSED THAT AND i DON'T DOUBT YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO READ THE POST CORRECTLY.
John Best, at 6:04 PM
You endorsed Euthanizing autistics, JB. There ain't no other way that could've been taken. Alzheimers? What the fuck are you talking about, doughnut?
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM
Anonymous goofball, Alzheimers is Autism for the aged.
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM
Phil/Timelord, prove to us that Watson isn't real. This'll be good coming from a manipulating little prick like you.
Anonymous, at 6:26 PM
I deleted a comment by "The Informer" because I don't allow links to anti-neurodiversity or other hate sites.
abfh, at 6:31 PM
Anonymous said...
You endorsed Euthanizing autistics, JB. There ain't no other way that could've been taken. Alzheimers? What the fuck are you talking about, doughnut?
6:20 PM
You have to have at least half a brain to understand. Maybe someone can explain it to you.
John Best, at 6:41 PM
Mr. Best
The challenge I'm talking about is the challenge I posted on your hating autism site or did you conveniently forget?
I do not find anything at all remotely funny about murder and I doubt the people who survived the concentration camps would find your so called joke remotely funny at all either.
Mr. Best I find you an incorrigible man and morally reprhensible.
The FBI is probably going to want to talk to you for inciting al queida to cause terrorism. If that was supposed to be a joke the FBI will definitely not find that funny at all.
By calling me stupid Mr. Best you committed the logical fallacy called the argumentum ad hominem which means you attacked me as a person instead of attacking my argument presented to you.
Mr. Best calling people names does not help your case.
Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
"I deleted a comment by "The Informer" because I don't allow links to anti-neurodiversity or other hate sites."
AFBH, how the hell am I supposed to help John's memory with the Demon challenge when you do that?
Anonymous, at 7:24 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Best, at 7:46 PM
Cubed nitwit,
Fuck you.
John Best, at 7:47 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
jonathan, at 7:55 PM
"Cubed nitwit,
Fuck you."
LOL, I couldn't even fuck myself if I even tried because it would be physically impossible for me to fuck myself.
Anyway, Mr. Best is this all that you have as a response to my arguments that I have posed to you? Mr. Best you really love to go for the argumentum ad hominems. Unlike you Mr. Best, I actually learned something from college.
By giving me argumentum ad hominems you actually do not help your argument. This means that calling me a nitwit and telling me to fuck myself really does not strengthen your argument at all.
It really makes you look like fool. In fact I'm going to go and help you out. Here is a website that lists the fallacies that you can and do make when presenting your arguments.
Anonymous, at 8:49 PM
Nitwits Cubed,
When you have the courage to back up your words with your name, I'll be happy to go to the bother of shoving them all back down your throat. Until then, you're just a coward, like Sanity Pending.
John Best, at 10:35 PM
Informer, did you ever wonder why Watson doesn't post anymore? Because Best got tired of supporting a second identity. Watson would have kept coming back otherwise. Oh and you fail medicine. Alzheimers is NOT Autism for the aged. The two conditions have NOTHING in common and in fact in one crucial aspect they are polar opposites. Memory.
You have to have at least half a brain to understand. Maybe someone can explain it to you.
And this coming from a person who doesn't use his brain at all. You can't explain anything, Best. And the key is that you never did understand what you are dealing with.
I'm assuming Informer linked the post on Best's blog to where Cube Demon's challenge was. Look up the thread on August 4 last year and your challenge to Paul Offit. And Cube Demon knows not to give his real name because he knows what will happen if he does! YOU are the coward, Best. You're a pathetic little bully who can't stand being proved wrong time and time again. Cube Demon is completely burying you as you deserve to be. Well done, CD!
I wouldn't even give you the credit of calling you "Sanity Pending". More like "Sanity Dead". Because you refuse to accept the existence of Neurodiversity. Only a completely irrational person would believe that the brain works only one way.
One more thing - and I'm addressing Mitchell now;
You never came to your hatred of Autism on your own. Had your mother taught you NOT to hate, you wouldn't be in the position you are now. You gave it away. You keep lying to yourself and we all know it.
Anonymous, at 5:44 AM
If you undergo biomedical treatment, you might learn how your brain is supposed to work. The brains that don't work that way are called defective for a reason.
John Best, at 7:36 AM
Mr. John Best
Why would I give my real name to you when you just committed the crime of Affray against me? If you do not know what that means it means you threatened me with assault.
If I gave you my real name I think my loved ones would be in danger by you.
Mr. John Best, do you have a degree in neurology? Are you a currently practicing neurologist? If you don't know the answers to either of my questions than how do you know how the brain works and is supposed to work?
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM
Cubed Nitwit,
Now we see you're a coward, and a liar. You must ahve read the Neuroinsane manual.
John Best, at 9:01 AM
Gluyas, if your mother had put you in an institution where a wingnut like you belongs, you would not be in the position you are in right now. You would be in a straight jacket without access to a computer or internet connection so you would not constantly be making the complete jackass out of yourself that your moronic behavior is doing.
jonathan, at 9:49 AM
Each time I posted to Jon's blog, he indicated in his response that he already knew I had cross-posted them here. He published the first one because he knew it was already published here. He refused to publish the second one, because he didn't want that content on his blog. So today, as an experiment, I sent him a short note a couple hours ago, but DIDN'T post it here, instead sending a copy to myself. His censoring of it proves him for the pusillanimous piss ant that he is.
Jonathan, I haven't done this out of "hatred" for you, but I will admit of a disgust for the morose, sad sack, reality-denying person that you are, and I believe this reflects the attitude of most of the autistic community, and you should be aware of that. This discussion has provided that opportunity.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Good morning, Jonathan!
I'm sure you won't publish this here on your blog, but while you're deleting it, remember that you're doing it because you're in deep denial of the Truth that I pointed out - you learned it from your mama. Have a nice day! ;-)
jonathan said...
"Clay i proved you were a liar, why don't you just give it a rest. You are just making yourself look even more foolish and imbecilic."
You didn't prove nuthin', except that you didn't really READ my last post. You revealed that your mother's attitude about autism was that it was "a horrible disability that needs to be cured". You HAD to have learned that from her Jon,
you *knew* that was her attitude before you could even talk. And "mama's boy" that you are, you were never one to go against her.
"Jypsy said, I suspected wrong."
Ah yes, now I remember, that's just what she said. A wise lady.
Granted there are some, but damn few of us would take a "cure" if available. To paraphrase an old saw, "Better the "self" you know, than the "self" you don't know.
"I could have had jypsy as a mother in the hypothetical scenario that you pointed out and i still would have had the same attitude, because i have lived with this disability for more than 50 years and I can see what hell it is, nothing to do with parental attitudes."
Yeah, you'd still be autistic, but you wouldn't have learned self-loathing, You would have been loved by SOMEBODY, instead of by nobody. You wouldn't have been such a negative noodge.
And now, I'm going to admit that I kinda *did* lie about something - - when I signed a post or two as "Ivar". Yeah, that was me, and just so we could have this little chat here. Oh, there IS an Ivar, (nice young man who lives in Norway), and you thought he was a friend, so I used his name when I asked you (politely, as he would have), about your mum and her attitude about autism. I think it's unfolded nicely. ;-)
Clay, at 10:52 AM
Is that Mitchell or Best writing?
Exactly the same vocabulary of oppression...
Jonathan, Timelord finds joy in life despite his problems. Just ask him about Great Australian Train Journeys or football...
You on the other hand, find misery in everything you do and everything you are.
Two sides of the same coin.
"complete jackass out of yourself that your moronic behavior is doing"
Yes, J. True, true words.
Socrates, at 10:53 AM
"Cubed Nitwit,
Now we see you're a coward, and a liar. You must ahve read the Neuroinsane manual."
Mr. Best please enlighten me as to what I have lied about.
Mr. Best, no it would be very moronic for me to give you my name. What will you do with my name Mr. Best? Are you coming to just to punch a person out for saying stuff to you on the internet?
You see, if I was a hothead and brash like you or a young teen I would've instantly gave you my name but I am not going to play ball.
Mr. Best, we will deal with each other during the challenge if it takes place.
You're bullying tactics do not work with me and you certainly do not scare me.
Anonymous, at 12:05 PM
"Gluyas, if your mother had put you in an institution where a wingnut like you belongs, you would not be in the position you are in right now. You would be in a straight jacket without access to a computer or internet connection so you would not constantly be making the complete jackass out of yourself that your moronic behavior is doing."
Mr. Mitchell
If Timelord is mentally ill as you claim than you're mentally ill and I'm mentally ill. John Best is mentally ill too since he is on the spectrum too.
The point is by NT standards we ASD's are considered mentally ill. This means we all belong in instutions is what you are saying. When you say someone is mentally ill and belongs in an mental institution it is redundant for you to say that because you belong right next to timelord in an institution.
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM
I like the cut of your jib, Cube Demon. Welcome to the fray. :-)
Anonymous, at 12:25 PM
It saddens me that a moronic jackass like Clay Adams does not understand charity. I was only trying to spare him the embarrassment of looking like the imbecile that he is by not publishing what he wrote. But obviously, Adams just doesn't get it. He is too stupid to realize that he is only hurting himself by posting what he is posting him, showing himself to be the absolutely self-hating geriatic (says he's 58 but looks more like 88 in his photos) senile piece of shit slimeball that he is. He is only hurting himself with his lies, abusive behavior and assinine statements, not me.
jonathan, at 12:25 PM
You're bullying tactics do not work with me and you certainly do not scare me. Oh really then why don't you stop being such a coward and sign your name and debate John like a man (or mature woman) instead of hiding behind an avatar. On the one hand you say you don't want to sign your name because you have this fear that best will harm you. On the other hand you say he does not scare you, which is it?
jonathan, at 12:31 PM
"You're bullying tactics do not work with me and you certainly do not scare me. Oh really then why don't you stop being such a coward and sign your name and debate John like a man (or mature woman) instead of hiding behind an avatar. On the one hand you say you don't want to sign your name because you have this fear that best will harm you. On the other hand you say he does not scare you, which is it?"
No, Mr. Mitchell I have a fear for the safety of my loved ones.
Second, if he ends up putting me in the hospital then the challenge that I proposed will not be able to happen because it would ruin the protocols of the challenge.
Finally, he's trying to goad me and I'm not going to play ball. He will not control me or my actions Mr. Mitchell. He will not make me angry enough to do something stupid.
Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Best loves to be in control. He just can't handle that I am not letting him take control. LOL
Mr. Mitchell, you have the ability to dish it out but you can't take it back when it's done to you.
Mr. Mitchell, Mr. John Best put his family in danger by posting his own name and address on his blog.
What if a serial killer went to his house and killed his children? What if the serial killer found out by looking at Best's blog? His address is all over the internet now.
Best would have himself to blame for that by putting his children in danger in the first place and I will not do that with my loved ones.
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM
Mr. Mitchell, you have the ability to dish it out but you can't take it back when it's done to you.
Oh that is laughable coming from one of the neurodiversity hatemongers who started this whole long comment section by hurling nasty insults at me. I did not start this your friends Adams' and Latrine lips Andrews did. I just give you back what you gave me. Seems to me it is the neurodiverse who can dish it out but not take it.
It is not just in this thread. But throughout the whole internet debate, it has been the neurodiversity people who have constantly been the aggressors and bullies, they are the one's who can dish it out but can't take it when someone throws it back into their homeley faces.
Obviously Best scares you or you would not be posting this stuff, so maybe you should not be trying to act like act you are so tough when you are not.
jonathan, at 1:41 PM
"A man is known by the company he keeps"
John Best allowed his blog to be used to solicit for the murder of Amanda Baggs.
"neurodiversity hatemongers who started this whole long comment section by hurling nasty insults at me"
I wonder why?
Is it morally justifiable to force a woman to have sex with me and other socially starved autistics?
Still waiting for your answer to this one.
Socrates, at 2:07 PM
Mr. Best
Here is my challenge again if ABFH does not mind my posting it on her board.
This is cubedemon here. I have been recently diagnoised with aspergers syndrome after 29 years of living on this earth. You make the claim that all forms of autism is really mercury poisioning. I am going to give you a chance to prove what you say. You have made a challenge to Paul Offit in your post on your blog "OOPS". I am sure Paul Offit is willing to take you up on your challenge but I'm sure he has better things to do. Instead of him taking the challenge I will offer to take you up on your challenge under certain conditions. Here are the conditions.
1. The test has to be conducted under double-blind conditions
2. The test has to be conducted and administered by a third party who has no stake in this autism debate and who is an expert at conducting it double-blind.
3. Magicians need to be there at this test to make sure neither I nor you are pulling any kind of sleight of hand trick.
4. You will write up exactly what you are testing for which will be approved or denied by the person conducting and adminstering the test and which will be approved or denied .
5. You will write up the protocols of this test which will be approved or denied by the person conducting and adminstering the test.
6. You and a person I will choose will decide who will be the conductor and the administrator of this test.
7. I choose, if he chooses to accept this role, David N. Andrews MEd (Distinction) to decide with you who will be the conductor and the administrator.
Now Mr. John Best, these are the terms of the test and if you fail to prove your claim.
1. You will submit your website, hating autism, to the different hate watch groups.
a. klanwatch
b. hatewatch
c. ADL(Anti-Defemation league)
d. all other famous hate watch sites
2. You will provide us with your military service history
3. You will never ever mention Neurodiversity in a negative connotation again.
4. You will go to a psychologist or psychiatrist to determine if you have any psychological problems
5. You will get the help Little Sam needs which is psychological and psychiatric help and will accept Little Sam for who he is and step into his world. John Best,
You decide the consequences if you succeed this test.
I'm willing to put my life on the line Mr. Best, now are you going to put up or shut up?
ABFH, I took out the link to the anti-ND site. My apologizes.
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM
If you undergo biomedical treatment, you might learn how your brain is supposed to work. The brains that don't work that way are called defective for a reason.
Best you wouldn't know a genuine defect in a million years. If all brains worked the same this would be a boring world and you know it. Brains are DIFFERENT. That is Neurodiversity. Remember that - if you can!
Now we see you're a coward, and a liar.
This was addressed to CD, but it applies to you, Best.
Gluyas, if your mother had put you in an institution where a wingnut like you belongs, you would not be in the position you are in right now.
My mother accepted me as I am - which is more than I can say for yours. Neither of us belongs in an institution. We belong in society and we deserve to be treated like human beings. You accept that you're not, because you were brought up that way. So you don't fight, and that makes you a coward. I fight.
Jonathan, Timelord finds joy in life despite his problems. Just ask him about Great Australian Train Journeys or football...
Thank you, Socrates - and you forgot pro wrestling, politics, Doctor Who, Star Wars etc etc.
CD, you are owning Best AND Mitchell. The anon's on the money.
Oh really then why don't you stop being such a coward and sign your name and debate John like a man (or mature woman) instead of hiding behind an avatar.
Mitchell you know what will happen if CD reveals his name. Best will attack him on his blog and make his life a misery. He's done it to all of his enemies - including me. He is the one who is afraid, as are you - because both of you are determined to destroy the truth tellers. Well you can't do it. Where's the respect for the fifth amendment on that point I wonder, seeing as Best in particular is so head on the first? This isn't about fear by CD. This is about fear by you and Best - and the sort of fear that leads to irrational and dangerous action.
And it's Best's ACTIONS that he fears - not his words. Just to clear that up.
It is not just in this thread. But throughout the whole internet debate, it has been the neurodiversity people who have constantly been the aggressors and bullies, they are the one's who can dish it out but can't take it when someone throws it back into their homeley faces.
And yet when I do exactly that - dish it back - you turn tail and run from me, Mitchell. Banning me from your blog and all that. I for one am certainly not scared. As I said above - I fight. Which is more than I can say for you. CD is also fighting so either you suck it up and show some backbone, or do what you usually do (and I used to do many years ago before I wised up) and run away.
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM
Is it morally justifiable to force a woman to have sex with me and other socially starved autistics?
Still waiting for your answer to this one.
For a homeless bum like you who never made a quid in his life except a brief stint as a dishwasher who has to crap and piss in his underwear and has to go to the dog pound to get his rocks off, you tell me, harry.
jonathan, at 3:25 PM
I love it when you get riled Johnny...
The man-child, outsider presentation, coupled with high testosterone is not unappealing to women Jonathan...
Especially if your swigging from a bottle of JD and smoking a blunt and look like you've just climbed off the back of Harley, ...
Especially the Nice Girls...
Oh Johnny, they love it...
Absolutely love it.
Socrates, at 3:34 PM
Mr. Mitchell
The NT world wants us to learn social skills, am I correct? Ok, what kind of social skills should we even have?
Let's take a look at the social skills I learned from being in elementary, middle, and high school.
I learned:
1. lying
2. cheating
3. backstabbing
4. learned some ebonics
5. backbiting
6. the pack like mentality
7. hating those that are different
Yeah, I learned social skills alright.
This teenage autistic young lady is learning some really fine social skills at her school too.
Mr. Mitchell, you call yourself an honest man am I correct? Why would you want these type of social skills and become a bully you hate. Please explain this one.
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM
Mr. Mitchell
By the way, I'm still being encouraged by NTs to do that crap even the non-criminal types.
You picked up some of those social skills too as well as Mr. Best.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
Hey Cube Satan, those aren't social skills. Social skills are what teaches you the difference. You're about as smart as Phil Glucose.
Oh Phil you got a lot to learn about Alzheimers. Long term memory for them is okay. Same for Autistics isn't it? How's your short term?
Jonathan I don't want to sound like a smart arse, but a homeless person wouldn't get access to a computer. But he needs a woman. That you're right about.
Anonymous, at 6:14 PM
Umm... I'm pretty sure if you're following this thread, you'll see it's Jonathan who needs the woman...
And what brave person(a) hides behind "The Informer"?
Socrates, at 7:02 PM
I meant you, Socrates, not Jonathan.
Anonymous, at 7:33 PM
"Hey Cube Satan, those aren't social skills. Social skills are what teaches you the difference. You're about as smart as Phil Glucose."
Actally I do know the difference. I was using irony and bitng sarcasm similar to how Jonathan Swift wrote "A modest proposal."
My point is kids are supposed to learn social skills at these schools but I ask what do they really learn? Not the social skills you want them to learn of is like this "do as I say, but don't do as I do".
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM
That's a pretty lame comeback...
Socrates, at 7:40 PM
Nitwits Cubed,
If I challenged Offit to something, it's because I want Offit to eat his words, not some half-assed idiot who is afraid to use his name.
Is it true or not that your wife used to be a man?
John Best, at 8:16 PM
"Nitwits Cubed,
If I challenged Offit to something, it's because I want Offit to eat his words, not some half-assed idiot who is afraid to use his name."
Mr. Best, so you'll talk the talk but won't walk the walk.
Well then, I just made you eat your own words
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
Mr. Best
This could be made into a nationwide media event. Think about it you'll be on CNN, Fox News, ABC, and even NPR too.
In fact, we could make this into a little amusement park. You can have sorts of rides, entertainment, and refreshments Mr. Best. Oh yeah, you can have your horse racing too and after the main event is over you can go bet on the horse races. What do you say Mr. Best?
Oh yeah, once you count all of the profit you have made which will probably be in the millions are you going to use that money to help your son or are you going to use it to bet on more horse racing?
Anonymous, at 9:30 PM
JB is still bullying people I see. When will you learn that people don't give their name because they know you'll send someone to kill them?
I like you, Cube Demon. You're not afraid and you are doing a great job.
Matt Hogan, at 9:36 PM
Foresam said...
"Nitwits Cubed,
If I challenged Offit to something, it's because I want Offit to eat his words, not some half-assed idiot who is afraid to use his name."
(sigh) rising to the bait once more:
You mean, as opposed to a FULL ASS, like you?
(sometimes it's just too easy...)
Anonymous, at 9:54 PM
You mean, as opposed to a FULL ASS, like you?
Okay, I should have said COMPLETE ASS. That's better. :-p
Anonymous, at 9:57 PM
The Informer I'm going to eloborate more on what I mean.
1. lying
"I actually learned how to lie effectively from other students to my parents. I also learned techniques from other students on how to skip school. A few students even tried to teach me how to be a smooth-talker. I failed that little lesson miserably and still do.
I even been told to lie at job interviews."
2. cheating
"I learned how to cheat on my homework assigmnents especially with things I couldn't do and things other students could do. The reverse was true too. Indirectly, I learned about the art of trading and mutally benefitting each other."
3. backstabbing
"I learned not to trust anyone out there because you never know who will stab you in the back. I have been preached to this many, many times by even older adults of my parents generation."
4. learned some ebonics
"This is one of my very favorites. The grammar the teachers they try to teach you is overriden when you are forced to speak ebonics to try to even make a friend."
5. backbiting
"Oh yes, I learned about the art of talking behind people's back by other students and to never show kindness and love to anyone who is different than the majority."
6. the pack like mentality
"On a bus I had to ride the school I learned to always fear the pack every single day in middle school for three years and to endure their torments. I knew if I stuck up for myself against one of them I would be fighting all of them."
"Oh yes, one more thing I learned from this is the administration will do jack diddly squat even when I tried to talk to them many times and to not trust those who are in charge. I have also learned that if I have any kids that I should not go to the school administration if they have problems."
7. hating those that are different
"Even I at that time refused to do this."
8 Here is another thing I learned from the teachers and the students.
"Do as I say, Don't do as I do."
9. I also learned comformity and not to think for yourself.
10. I also learned that I can break promises anytime I want and I do not have to honor my word as a gentleman.
This teenager as I said is learning these same social skills very well.
Mr. Best and Mr. Mitchell, you two have learned these social skills even better than I did. I say Mr. Best deserves a B+, Mr. Mitchell deserves a D- and guess what I get. I got an F+ because I failed at using these social skills very well to succeed in NT society even worse than Mr. Mitchell did.
You know what though I am proud of my F+. I am going to make an Award, frame it, put Social Skils and then the grade will be F+.
This represents that I am totally rejecting my social skills teachings that I learned in school.
Here are my social skills I have learned though that I taught myself and my parents taught me.
1. Love
2. Honesty
3. Patience
4. Thinking for Yourself
5. Charity
6. Being myself
7. Kindness
Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Best you two should learn these social skills. They will benefit you more in the long run than the social skills you've learned from the NT world.
Anonymous, at 11:02 PM
Give me your address. Then if nobody shows up to kill you tonight, you'll be proven wrong.
Which bedroom do you use?
John Best, at 11:57 PM
Clay Demon, stop with the propaganda and manipulation based discussion of social skills. I've had enough of those like you trivializing the horror of not having social skills, as you portray yourself as a saintly little victim in doing so.
lurker, at 12:42 AM
Cube Satan you've got a lot to learn. You added more trivia and proved you have no social skills at all. Learn how to mix that all up together, then start talking about social skills.
Anonymous, at 1:01 AM
Oh Phil you got a lot to learn about Alzheimers. Long term memory for them is okay. Same for Autistics isn't it? How's your short term?
Informer, long term memory is NOT rote memory. Two different aspects. Enough said. And leave Cube Demon alone re social skills.
Timetard, Is it true or not that your wife used to be a man?
Best, no it's not and the person responsible for that statement owes me over $23,000 in defamation costs.
Clay Demon, stop with the propaganda and manipulation based discussion of social skills. I've had enough of those like you trivializing the horror of not having social skills, as you portray yourself as a saintly little victim in doing so.
Lurker, listen up. The reason why the poor social skills is a problem (a horror as you put it) is because those on the other side of the issue don't have the patience to deal with the lack of social instinct. That leads to bigotry and abuse (bullying and so forth). THAT is the horror. The way to resolve that is to penalise the bullies! And HELP those who have issues instead of denying them the information they need to make up for the absent social instinct. You talk like that's our fault. It's not. We can't help who we are. NT's CAN help being bigots about it! They should stop and do the right thing.
Bigotry is what has made Mitchell a pessimist and why he has given up - not Autism. He let the bullies win.
Anonymous, at 5:08 AM
Do you think the whole world can be taught not to laugh at the stupid things you say?
John Best, at 7:46 AM
Timelord: It is not defamation to suggest that your wife used to be a man, any more than it would be if it were suggested she were autistic, Jewish, etc. You can defend yourself against false claims, but there's no need to malign an entire vulnerable population.
Chasmatazz, at 8:01 AM
So, if we suggested that Timelord's wife was a $10 hooker, that would be OK?
John Best, at 8:54 AM
"Clay Demon, stop with the propaganda and manipulation based discussion of social skills. I've had enough of those like you trivializing the horror of not having social skills, as you portray yourself as a saintly little victim in doing so."
Nope, I'm just using Satire and Irony to tell the truth.
My point is that the so-called normal kids are picking up social skills alright but the wrong kind.
"Cube Satan you've got a lot to learn. You added more trivia and proved you have no social skills at all. Learn how to mix that all up together, then start talking about social skills."
This is one reason why I have problems communicating with NTs. It's because of the vagueness of in the dialect of the language. Let me ask you these questions.
1. What exactly should I mix up together? I want to make sure we're on the same page.
2. You say I have alot to learn? Telling me I have a lot to learn tells me nothing. What exactly do I have to learn still?
3. Lurker, you see us portraying ourselves as victims. Let me ask you a series of sub-questions?
a. Would you want to receive everything that I have ever received in life the good and the bad?
b. Give me and other aspies the instructions on how to communicate with NTs and to be able to seek employment.
1. How do I make proper eye contact without feeling a sharp pain in doing so?
2. When talking to a typical NT on the street what position on their eyes should I rest my eyes on? How long should I maintain the eye contact. Do both of these apply the same or differently in job interviews.
3. What is the algorithm for matching clothes? Apparently this is one of the ways to fit in to the NT world?
4. What vocabulary words am I not allowed to use and to use when talking to an NT?
5. What are the step by step instructions to reading non-verbal body language?
6. Are beards acceptable or not in society at all anymore in NT society?
7. Here is another example of a disconnect I had. There was a pot of water on the right, front eye of the stove. I was told to put it on the opposite side of the stove? What is this supposed to mean and how do I interperet this vague and obtuse language? There are multiple opposite sides. The left is the opposite of the right. The back is the opposite front. In addition, I was told it could've been the opposite side of the room.
8. How exactly do I do an impromptu speech and answer questions in an ad-hoc manner for things like a job interview? What is the exact algorithm for this? If I don't even understand a question the interviewer is asking am I allowed to ask them to elborate?
9. I've been told to pay attention to my surroundings. What exactly should I pay attention to in my surroundings?
10. What is the correct way to move my limbs on my body without coming across as a retard to NTs.
11. How exactly do I keep up with the correct social language of the day when 10 years pass?
12. How exactly do I complete things in the fast paced manner that NTs in America want me to go and still do a good job with those activities?
13. NTs say we should take responsibilty for our actions. Both of you will probably say the same thing. Here are my questions about this.
a. Lurker and Informer has there ever been a legitmate case in human history in which it was the society's fault and not the particular individuals? If so, what criteria determines if it's society's or that individual's fault?
b. For a given situation, what is the criteria that determines who is at fault?
c. How exactly do I rectify a wrong that I commited non-intentionally to an NT?
d. How can I take responsible for something if I do not understand how I was responsible for it?
14. Please explain to me how I am writing propaganda when this is what I see everyday no matter where I go.
15. When I ask other NTs questions why do they take my questioning as arguing? How can one obtain information without hearing the same vague platitudes over and over again but not getting detailed answers? What exactly am I doing wrong when I ask questions?
16. Let's say I create an application. How exactly do I obtain the information on how to determine how much to charge online?
Anonymous, at 11:01 AM
Nitwit Cubed,
If you reverse the brain damage, all the answers to your problems will be immediately resolved.
John Best, at 11:31 AM
Timelord, social skills have nothing to do with bigotry. It's not fair to be deprived of such a basic ability which others have. Others aren't responsible to be patient about the lack thereof. Who wants to depend on such help as you talk of to get by? How would they then be able to defend any of their ideals amongst other people, when they rely on help of people to get by in social interactions? It's not all about bullies.
Cube Demon, you shouldn't keep going on and on with that satire as if it means something to back up your ridiculous arguments. Implying that social skills don't matter as you did in that satire or whatever isn't acceptable. And you don't seem truthful. That "satire" was far from amusing. I wish I knew the answers to the relevant questions out of the questions that you posed, and hated that you made a mockery of the problem of not knowing those things.
lurker, at 12:18 PM
Timetard only rambles on about bigotry because he has seen ND's trying to use it as some convoluted logic. He doesn't even understand the fallacious leap in logic the more intelligent nitwits are trying to make.
John Best, at 2:37 PM
"Cube Demon, you shouldn't keep going on and on with that satire as if it means something to back up your ridiculous arguments. Implying that social skills don't matter as you did in that satire or whatever isn't acceptable. And you don't seem truthful. That "satire" was far from amusing. I wish I knew the answers to the relevant questions out of the questions that you posed, and hated that you made a mockery of the problem of not knowing those things."
Actually, you're twisting what I implied in my satire lurker. I didn't imply that social skills didn't matter. I implied that bad social skills are the ones that I am against. In essence, not all social skills that are learned are moral and good. That is my argument.
I am against dishonesty, backbiting, bullying in schools and I am especially against twisting people's words like you have done. The very same thing happens in the workplace. I actually do know the difference between bad and good social skills.
Let me put it to you this way. If I was parent of an ASD child I would not want to put him or her in our public schools as they currently stand.
We on the spectrum do have a conscience. In fact, it might be more intensified than the NTs so this means we have a very high sense of justice.
Anonymous, at 3:29 PM
Lurker, so you have just admitted you cannot answer my questions at all? By the way, all of my questions are legitmate and relevant.
"Timelord, social skills have nothing to do with bigotry. It's not fair to be deprived of such a basic ability which others have. Others aren't responsible to be patient about the lack thereof. Who wants to depend on such help as you talk of to get by? How would they then be able to defend any of their ideals amongst other people, when they rely on help of people to get by in social interactions? It's not all about bullies."
Lurker, if you're Christain
and have upstanding Christain, moral, values then it is your responsibility to be patient about "the lack thereof." Most people in the USA supposedly follow upstanding Christain values. Here is a couple of values: 1. love thy neighbor more than you do yourself 2. help the poor and needy. These are plastered all over the bible.
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM
There's no such thing as a bad social skill. So I don't see how what you were talking about was satire. Just because it's easier to successfully do bad things with certain social skills, doesn't mean such social skills are bad.
"I am against dishonesty, backbiting, bullying in schools and I am especially against twisting people's words like you have done" I strongly doubt that you are, because of your behavior here.
"We on the spectrum do have a conscience. In fact, it might be more intensified than the NTs so this means we have a very high sense of justice." I am not captivated by your chauvinism about the spectrum. The ones on the spectrum like you and those like you don't really have a conscience or a sense of justice.
I don't know the answers to many of those questions as I wonder about many of them myself. I think the questions about matching clothes and beards don't matter. I think determining if something is society's or an individual's fault is up to opinion and thought about the circumstances involved.
lurker, at 5:07 PM
Cube Satan can't tell the difference between good and bad in a social setting, Lurker. That's his problem.
And no, Timetwit, I won't leave him alone. He's up shit creek and he needs to know it, just like you do.
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM
Lurker and Informer
You two sure know how to use Orwellian DoubleSpeak very well. I commend both of you on that.
Anonymous, at 9:05 PM
>> Give me your address. Then if nobody shows up to kill you tonight, you'll be proven wrong. <<
No it won't, John Best. You'll just delay it because you know I'll be waiting.
You should be locked up.
Matt Hogan, at 9:20 PM
>> The ones on the spectrum like you and those like you don't really have a conscience or a sense of justice. <<
Lurker, that is incorrect. That assumes that there is no intelligence amongst those who aren't low functioning. Everyone has a conscience. You don't like Jiminy Cricket?
Matt Hogan, at 9:23 PM
Informer, I bet he can't.
Cube Demon, what is Orwellian doublespeak?
Matt, what you said doesn't mean anything. I don't know what connection between intelligence and conscience you're talking about. Not everyone has a conscience. Those like Cube who are in favor of keeping other people mentally impaired, and push such views the ways that they do, do not have consciences. What are you defending him for?
lurker, at 9:53 PM
Jiminy Cricket?? You're amongst adults, Mr Hogan, not children!
I'd like to know what Orwellian doublespeak is as well.
Anonymous, at 11:15 PM
Lurker, let's get one thing straight. Don't you dare call anyone with Aspergers or HFA mentally impaired. We are DIFFERENT! You are pushing the very line of bigotry you claim doesn't exist with that diatribe. Yes, it's not fair - but it's inherent. WE HAVE NO SAY IN IT! Just like those with dark skin have no say in that fact either. So EVERYONE (ourselves and others) are obliged to make the appropriate adjustments. Now when NTE's refuse to do that, there is your impairment - courtesy of society. Will you get that through you for goodness sake? Society HAS to pick up the slack. Don't make excuses that they shouldn't - that's bullshit, pure and simple.
Best, you wouldn't understand anything about bigotry - because it's so natural to you, the Aspie brain you posess can't cope with the change in routine. Your anger is your way of avoiding a sensory overload. Maybe it's too late to save you, just like it may be too late to save Mitchell. Of course his anger is different. And no, that suggestion about my wife is NOT okay, because that is also a lie.
Chasmatazz, it IS defamation when the statement is a lie and can cause a detriment to the person concerned. That's what the person who started that rumour did, and he owes me more than $23,000 for it as I said.
One more thing - to both Lurker and The Informer. Yes, Matt Hogan is right. EVERYONE has a conscience. But like intelligence and many other things, it depends on how it is used. A point - Auties have a habit of telling the truth all the time. Even at the wrong moment. The Autie's thinking is "they need to know". That's a justice thought pattern. Socially incorrect, granted, but a justice thought pattern nevertheless.
And at a guess, I think Cube Demon may be drawing on "1984", but I'm free to be corrected by him if I'm wrong.
And Lurker, Cube Demon provided the PERFECT example of information seeking by someone who has issues with social skills. So instead of attacking him, how about helping him out? Or are you truly bigoted (see the first paragraph)?
Anonymous, at 5:14 AM
Some judges have ruled that Asperger's is a diminished mental capacity. You and many others who keep fighting against sanity prove the judges are right.
Stop your bigotry too. Do you think mentally competent pople with dark skin want to be compared to you? Stop trying to give them a bad name.
John Best, at 8:07 AM
Mr. John Best, you have aspergers. You said, some judges ruled people with aspergers with diminished mental capacity. Well then, you have diminished mental capacity as well by these judges standards.
By the way, disenters in the old soviet union were instutionalized as mentally ill as well.
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
then if Best has Asperger's neurodiversity should not hate him, according to their own philosoph of acceptance versus cure they should love and accept him and not continously berate him.
jonathan, at 1:59 PM
I love John in a way you're all too familiar with.
Socrates, at 2:05 PM
"let's get one thing straight. Don't you dare call anyone with Aspergers or HFA mentally impaired"
Timelord, I don't know what you're talking about. Don't blame me for someone else twisting my words. I didn't say anything about them being mentally impaired. I was talking about Cube's likely attitude on the mental impairment from LFA, because of him being a neurodiversity pusher.
"Yes, it's not fair - but it's inherent. WE HAVE NO SAY IN IT!" What is inherent about it? How does not having a say in something make it justifiable to endure, even though it's not fair? And I agree with Foresam about your racial comparison. I find such a comparison disgraceful.
I wonder what adjustments society could possibly make. I wonder what consciences sociopaths have. Who cares about a particular conscience if it is in someone who is as inconsiderate as Cube?
"So instead of attacking him, how about helping him out?" Why should I help him out? I don't even know if he needs help, and I am disgusted at his viewpoints.
lurker, at 2:38 PM
Cubed Nitwit,
Judges had to rule about the mental capacity of people with Asperger's who were so brain damaged they did not appreciate the fact that they had committed crimes.
I have committed no crime. I also can see the diminished mental capacity in most of the combatants here, especially in you with your illogical arguments.
You all need to be cured for the good of society so you aren't committing crimes because you can not appreciate that your behavior is aberrant.
John Best, at 3:27 PM
John, out of interest, how did you afford the house?
Socrates, at 3:28 PM
"Cubed Nitwit,
Judges had to rule about the mental capacity of people with Asperger's who were so brain damaged they did not appreciate the fact that they had committed crimes.
I have committed no crime. I also can see the diminished mental capacity in most of the combatants here, especially in you with your illogical arguments.
You all need to be cured for the good of society so you aren't committing crimes because you can not appreciate that your behavior is aberrant."
You have actually commited crimes.
1. Affray
2. Inciting Terrorism
3. Stalking
4. Child Abuse
So, if I have diminished mental capacity than you have diminished mental capacity as well and judges would rule you with diminished capacity as well.
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM
Hey Lurker
These are my values
1. Be honest in your dealings
2. Do not Lie, Cheat, or Steal.
3. Help the needy and the poor.
4. Integrity
5. Self-Control instead of insatiable sexual lust
6. Murder is wrong
7. We need the community mentality back instead of this pull yourself by your bootstraps bullshit
8. Everyone has a right to life, liberty, and to estate by what John Locke says. In fact I also believe as well as John Locke believes that Life should be protected before Liberty and Liberty should be protected before estate.
Here are two examples of this.
I, personally, should not be able to own a nuclear bomb by Lockean standards because this is an indiscriminate weapon that can go off. If this goes off than I can kill many people at once thus destroying their lives and violating their right to life. Owning a Nuclear Bomb is a liberty I should not have because it impacts other's right to life.
Here is the Second Example. If Mr. Best says anything that can be a detriment to Timelord and if this speech is libel or slander than Mr. Best has no right to say this about Timelord's because the speech is false and it could lead indirectly lead to Timelord's death.
Anonymous, at 10:56 PM
Tell me how my view points are disgusting to you?
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM
Cube, what disgusts me about your viewpoints is that you don't really have the values you claim to have, and it seems to me that you only enumerate such values to portray yourself as a great guy. I don't think you have honesty or integrity because of the way you are on here. I think you aren't genuine. I don't like phonies.
As if Timelord is so sensitive and vulnerable that a few insults will be so dangerous for him. I'm so sick of the ridiculous nonsense from those like you who back each other up in these arguments. Get real.
lurker, at 12:08 AM
The things you think about me I think about you as well . Your views disgust me too. You would trample on those you perceived to be weaker than you. You would not help someone in need at all. Before you say I don't know you actually I do know you and I have talked to and dealt with people like you.
The truth is you don't like what I'm saying so you are doing a lot of projection on me possibly of your character.
What exactly have I lied to you about? What have I misrepresented? Name one thing since I have came on this board that I lied to or mispresented.
I feel like your a liar and a conniver yourself. You also have this remarkable ability to twist people's words into stuff they never said to suit your own ends just exactly like how Fox News Network does it.
The thing is that you're very vague in how you talk so this makes me think you're trying to pull some deceptions yourself. This might work with other NTs but it will not work with me. Stop with the Orwellian DoubleSpeak bullshit.
All you can do is make ad hominem attacks of my character instead of attacting my argument.
My argument is public schools are inadvertently or intentionally, teaching wrong values like dishonesty and cheating.
Answer me this lurker, do you truly think kids and teens today are obtaining proper social skills in the public education system like honesty, integrity, and good manners?
Answer me this lurker, if I have an ASD kid why should I put him or her into a school he or she will be bullied or learn incorrect values? Should I, as a good parent in good conscience subject my child to this? I could not live with myself if I did. Personally, I think he or she would be emotionally damaged from it. On this part, Jonathan Mitchell, I think would agree.
Attack my argument lurker because all you're doing is ad hominem attacks.
As I said to John Best Jr. Put up or Shut Up.
In fact, Mr Best, I am dead serious about this challenge. You say you want a cure for your son. My argument is Chelation does not cure autism. I personally want to test both of our arguments. I am up for this challenge Mr. Best. I am a strong believer in the ND movement and for the health and well being of your son I am willing to take your challenge. Personally, Mr. Best I think you're killing your son. I am willing to take a chance with my own life to prove you, the mercury militia, generation rescue wrong.
I am willing to die for your son Mr. Best if that is what it must take to get proper treatment for him no matter if you're right or I'm right.
Either way you will win in the end Mr. Best because your son will get the treatment he needs no matter if it is chelaton or if it's psychology.
Lurker and Infomer you can be there too. You two can have your swipes too.
I believe I am right Mr. Best, Informer, and Lurker about what I say and what the ND movement says and believes. I believe I, Phil, and other ASD's have been discriminated against by NT society.
I am willing to die for my beliefs Mr. Best, Lurker, and Informer. I am willing to die for the future generations of ASD's. I am willing to die for our children and our children's children.
You all will think I am insane. Maybe I am I don't know.
If this is what it must take to gain acceptance for us ASD's by NT society than I am willing to make this sacrifice.
My father taught me to always be myself. I want us all ASD's to be able to be ourselves in public. I don't want us to have to hide what we are. This is why I will make this sacrifice Mr. Best, Mr Doherty, Mr. Handley, Alison Tepper Singer, Lurker, and Informer, and my fiance who also wants me to be something I am not. You curebies are like Pygmalion. I am also willing to die for your daughter too Alison Tepper Singer. I am willing to make this sacrifice of my life for the greater good of the ND movement and the ASD community.
Here is a poem by Dylan Thomas.
"Do not go gentle into that good night.
Old age should burn and rave at close of day.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
Do you curebies know what? I am going to rage, rage against the dying of the light. So shall we all.
I am also willing to die for you too Mr. Mitchell so you can be happy and live again.
So Mr. Best it's in your corner.
Anonymous, at 3:50 AM
Mr. Best
I will even go further. You want to take some swings at me. Ok that is fine. We will meet in another state other than my home state and your home state, in an undisclosed location. You can take all the swings at me all you like. I will not even fight you back or even defend myself.
Hurting me though will not change what your son is and what you're doing to your son.
I want your son to get the proper treatment he needs and I am willing to be hurt very badly or die for that.
Anonymous, at 4:18 AM
Some judges have ruled that Asperger's is a diminished mental capacity. You and many others who keep fighting against sanity prove the judges are right.
No, it proves that the law needs to change. It is NOT a diminished mental capacity. You're as bad as Lurker on that score.
Stop your bigotry too. Do you think mentally competent pople with dark skin want to be compared to you? Stop trying to give them a bad name.
If anyone is doing that it's you - falsely claiming on the AS Ning that you helped the Black Panthers. Those with dark skin have a history of being treated like they are mentally incapacitated, so they know exactly where we are coming from.
I have committed no crime.
Yes you have - as Cube Demon observed. You've neglected your son. You've damaged him. That's child abuse. You are also a bully and an abuser - and a slanderer as well. It's a crime to lie about something you know nothing about, Best. You need some jail time because I think that's the only way you'll get the message.
you aren't committing crimes because you can not appreciate that your behavior is aberrant.
To you. And we all know what capacity you have to interpret what is and what's not appropriate behaviour. Given that yours is completely inappropriate on a number of fronts.
if Best has Asperger's neurodiversity should not hate him, according to their own philosoph of acceptance versus cure they should love and accept him and not continously berate him.
He's in denial! That's the difference! And you are in the same boat - in that you refuse to accept the DX even though you acknowledge it. You have given up. In a way - so has Best. That's anti ND. And you have no right to talk about "love" because you know nothing about it. You hate yourself, so your capacity to understand love is zero.
Anonymous, at 4:45 AM
What is inherent about it?
It's genetic in origin!
How does not having a say in something make it justifiable to endure, even though it's not fair?
That's the point you are missing. You FIGHT to have a say. You FIGHT to be YOU. The endurance factor is external. It's fairer when you have help. Do you object to support structures and so forth?
I wonder what adjustments society could possibly make.
Stop calling us mad or nuts, or brain damaged (amongst other slurs). And accept us as human beings. At the moment we aren't, and therein lies the biggest problem.
I wonder what consciences sociopaths have.
They have them. They just interpret it differently.
Why should I help him out?
Why should you not? If someone doesn't understand and asks questions - you should be a considerate human being and help out by answering them. It's called information. Aspies always find that useful. Would you deny that? If you do then you're part of the problem.
And if you think society isn't the problem......
You all need to be cured for the good of society
Best represents what needs to be fought with this quote. People like him are the problem - not the Autistic Spectrum.
As if Timelord is so sensitive and vulnerable that a few insults will be so dangerous for him.
There is a different between a simple insult and outright slander.
I'm so sick of the ridiculous nonsense from those like you who back each other up in these arguments. Get real.
This IS real. If you can't take it then perhaps you are the one who should admit to spouting "ridiculous nonsense".
Anonymous, at 4:46 AM
Cube Demon and Timelord -- please do not make accusations of child abuse as part of an argument on my blog. This is why.
abfh, at 8:25 AM
"Cube Demon and Timelord -- please do not make accusations of child abuse as part of an argument on my blog. This is why."
ABFH, I will respect the rules of your blog and I apologize for breaking this rule. Please forgive my ignorance on this. It will not happen again.
I do appreciate your link back to your previous post and it makes sense logically.
Again, I apologize.
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM
I am also willing to die for you too Mr. Mitchell so you can be happy and live again.
Then why don't you do us all a favor then cubed. Why don't you get a smith&Wesson .38 and just shoot yourself in the head and end it all today so we don't have to read your long-winded chattering and nonsense on these forums and your ludicrous attempts to justify neurodiversity.
jonathan, at 11:26 AM
You hate yourself, so your capacity to understand love is zero.
Based on your completely diminished intellectually capacity gluyas your ability to understand anything is zero.
jonathan, at 11:29 AM
Cube, nobody is weaker than me. I'm the vulnerable one. You don't want to deal with people like me because I won't tolerate the bullshit you spew. You misrepresented things in the way you talked about and joined in with the bashing of Mitchell. I don't see how your discussion of social skills was anything but an abomination.
"remarkable ability to twist people's words into stuff they never said to suit your own ends just exactly like how Fox News Network does it." Oh, wow, like you're so great because you repudiate Fox News. I actually think you should work for them.
Again, what is Orwellian doublespeak? I don't know what else to say about your arguments, which are nonsensical and are offensive in that way. Your incessant talk about how great your character is, is not believable by me and really annoys me.
"Answer me this lurker, do you truly think kids and teens today are obtaining proper social skills in the public education system like honesty, integrity, and good manners?" Again with the innuendos. Those things aren't social skills. I don't know how social skills are usually obtained. How dare you imply that such values are social skills. If people believe what you say about social skills, I wonder what they would think of someone unfortunate enough to truly lack social skills, that they would falsely identify such a person as someone who lacks values and blame them for the problems of the lack of values. Social skills have nothing to do with values.
If you have an ASD child, I think you should put him in a school that doesn't tolerate bullying, or show your child how to fight back against bullies. I've had enough of your arguments. If having character consists of your type of behavior, then I don't like character.
How could you possibly be willing to do anything for ASD people, when you adhere to ND, and consequently want the low-functioning majority to remain in the horror of severe mental disability permanently?
"greater good of the ND movement and the ASD community." How could anyone not recognize that the greater good of the ASD community and the ND movement is an oxymoron?
I'm sick of you pretending to be a defenseless little wimp with high character, while you stick up for ND which wants mentally disabled autistics to rot, and you bash people who speak out against ND.
lurker, at 12:14 PM
ND which wants mentally disabled autistics to rot
That's missing from my copy of the Neurodiversity Manifesto.
Perhaps it's in our "How to Take Over the World" Manual...
I'll have to have a look.
Socrates, at 12:19 PM
Timelord, I don't care if you aspies get what you want for yourselves. I just want you all to leave the low-functioning alone and stop trying to get in the way of helping them. I don't object to support structures, but they aren't a solution. And why should I want to help an enemy like Cube? I doubt he needs help anyway.
lurker, at 12:27 PM
Socrates, don't act as if ND would explicitly express its intentions instead of using benevolent sounding propaganda.
lurker, at 12:30 PM
ABFH, like Cube Demon I didn't know that rule either - and I'll abide by it in general, but I'll just make a point. The rule specifies making the accusation as a "point scoring exercise" - which actually I wasn't doing. I was stating what I consider to be a fact on the irrefutable evidence in front of me. I can't do that to anyone else in the community at all, even other enemies who are parents.
But okay - I'll stop. I doubt Best will be back anyway.
Anonymous, at 4:29 PM
Timelord, I don't care if you aspies get what you want for yourselves. I just want you all to leave the low-functioning alone and stop trying to get in the way of helping them.
That right there is your problem. It's people like YOU getting in the way of helping LFA's. I'm all for helping them - correctly. Let's talk about that instead of you jumping to conclusions.
I don't object to support structures, but they aren't a solution.
You bet they are a solution - and a compulsory one at that! Are you telling me that any human being can cope with bringing up an LFA on their own? Come on!
And why should I want to help an enemy like Cube? I doubt he needs help anyway.
Classifying a person as an enemy based on a simple conversation like this is lazy and a perfect example of your unwillingness to be tolerant.
I might as well say it. I know Cube Demon - and yes he DOES need the sort of help I'm telling you about. He needs information. And you are rejecting it on the very grounds I'm talking about - intolerance of difference.
I've been helping him, and at the risk of sounding immodest he represents the fourth occasion I have rescued someone on the Spectrum who was talking suicide.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM
Based on your completely diminished intellectually capacity gluyas your ability to understand anything is zero.
Is that all you can come up with, Mitchell? Gee I really scare you with the real truth don't I? My ability to understand goes WAY beyond yours and deep down you know it. The evidence of your cowardice increases yet again.
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM
The only way to help LFA's is to cure them.
The only way to help idiots like you would be to zap you every time you said something stupid. Eventually, you would learn to shut up.
John Best, at 4:59 PM
The evidence of your cowardice increases yet again.
The evidence of your stupidity yet inreases again.
jonathan, at 6:33 PM
Timelord, what is the correct way to help LFAs? What could possibly be the way aside from curing their mental impairments?
"Are you telling me that any human being can cope with bringing up an LFA on their own? " I never said that and you don't have a reason to think I did. I just don't like it when someone brings up the need for support in trying to divert attention away from the need for cure.
What would I need to know to determine if Cube is an enemy of mine or not? After seeing the things he said here, I don't think I need to know anything else about him to realize what he is like. I've heard of enough jerks like him.
If Cube needs help, I wonder why he would be looking for it here. I don't know about the information he wants to know, and I myself lack such information.
lurker, at 6:43 PM
Timelord, just FYI, there are some so-called LFAs (not a term I ever use) who read my blog.
You may want to think about that before you make statements like "Are you telling me that any human being can cope with bringing up an LFA on their own?"
Now back to your regularly scheduled mud wrestling match...
abfh, at 7:15 PM
ABFH, I understand what you're saying, but surely you would agree that bringing up an LFA child is very difficult. Okay, I agree that using the term "LFA" might not be appropriate to some, and I only use it if I have to. I prefer to say "Autistic Spectrum" (I guess you prefer that as well). There is however a part of the Spectrum that is harder to handle than others. Not impossible of course (as you'll see when I respond to Lurker) but it's certainly far from easy.
The thing is, there are parents who have killed their LFA child because "they couldn't cope". I put that in inverted commas because as far as I'm concerned there is no excuse to take the life of a child, no matter what. Support structures are THE solution in my book, and to understate the need (as Lurker was doing in effect) required the comment I made in my opinion. I hope that makes the context clear and I'm quite happy to discuss the point in detail.
Where's the mud? (LOL)
Anonymous, at 4:56 AM
The only way to help idiots like you would be to zap you every time you said something stupid. Eventually, you would learn to shut up.
If anyone zapped me I would grab the weapon and zap the perpertrator back. I would prefer to die than be changed like that, and actually I wouldn't have a say in it. Without my Aspergers - I'm dead. Simple. You are the one who needs to be zapped Best - as punishment (and you know why!). I will NEVER shut up as long as you are around. Never, ever. Because you represent everything I hate about the NT world - and those who suck up to it as the ONLY way to live. It's not and I will continue to prove this so. Even when I die - Neurodiversity will live forever. That is something you can NEVER kill.
I will address your other comment in my response to Lurker.
The evidence of your stupidity yet inreases again.
Only in your baleful, stubborn and inherently hateful mind. Keep yapping, Mitchell. The stupid one is you. Perhaps you need the zapper just as much as Best does. Where's your pride? Oh that's right - it's dead. Killed by the bullies of the NT world. Wonder if it can be resurrected? Your grammar certainly can't! "stupidity yet inreases" indeed!
Anonymous, at 4:57 AM
Now back to Lurker;
Timelord, what is the correct way to help LFAs? What could possibly be the way aside from curing their mental impairments?
Don't you dare use the word "cure" around me. You should know that by now. The way to do it - as I indicated to ABFH - is with support structures. This is done at the root by finding out what the sensory overload is, and work towards avoiding it. That can mean literally thousands of things, like certain pharmaceuticals (I don't count thiomersal in that or vaccines in general - unless the doctor stuffs up their administration), food, noises, smells, pain and situations. I'm sure if a study was done with this in mind the majority of the overloads would be situation based. That means the need for that situation to be removed, and that would almost ceratinly require psychotherapy. For I record I believe food would be in second place - which is why you won't find me objecting to diet ideas. Finding the key to the overload and relieving it is the correct way to go. And actually it applies across the Spectrum. I am certainly concious of it and it's why I learn what causes me problems and I avoid them. It works for me and it works for others I know.
I never said that and you don't have a reason to think I did. I just don't like it when someone brings up the need for support in trying to divert attention away from the need for cure.
You just proved me right. Nit picking by saying "I never said that" doesn't alter the fact that you intimated it. You are the one diverting matters away from real solutions towards the false solution of cure.
What would I need to know to determine if Cube is an enemy of mine or not?
Not jumping to conclusions would be a good start, and then an open mind.
After seeing the things he said here, I don't think I need to know anything else about him to realize what he is like. I've heard of enough jerks like him.
And I've had enough of fools like you who refuse to admit they got it wrong. You're intolerant.
I don't know about the information he wants to know, and I myself lack such information.
Can't you answer the questions he put? Come on - you are calling him wrong, and The Informer (without realising it I'll bet) partly hit on the point of Cube Demon not being able to tell the difference when the two sides are mixed up. Actually he can't handle the two sides being mixed because they shouldn't be and he wants to know why. If you can't answer the questions then you have no right to call him on social skills deficits when that indicates you yourself have problems. And have maybe given up just like Mitchell has letting NT's win.
Anonymous, at 4:58 AM
I'm only trying to help you gain mental health. You have to emerge from the cult mentality of believing that having a damaged brain is a good thing.
Brain damage is bad. I want you to write that 100 times and perhaps your perception of reality will begin to change.
John Best, at 9:43 AM
jonathan said...
"then if Best has Asperger's neurodiversity should not hate him, according to their own philosoph of acceptance versus cure they should love and accept him and not continously berate him."
Our "philosophy" is that the *parents* should love and accept their children, instead of subjecting them to unproven "treatments" which can do psychological and physical harm.
There is nothing that says we have to accept the statements and actions of unqualified ASSHOLES, like you and Best, whether you're autie, aspie, or NT. It's too late for the both of you to accept and love yourselves, because you never learned THAT from your mothers.
and jonathan said...
"Then why don't you do us all a favor then cubed. Why don't you get a smith&Wesson .38 and just shoot yourself in the head and end it all today so we don't have to read your long-winded chattering and nonsense on these forums and your ludicrous attempts to justify neurodiversity."
So it's true after all, Best is writing all your material. I've read him for years, and that's exactly His style, not yours.
And I may have been wrong about you not making any money for selling out. (Not that you had to show any wit to get it, like the enterprising MJC.) It's clear that SOMEBODY is paying the both of you. Somebody with deep pockets, to waste it on You jerks.
Clay, at 12:27 PM
Socrates said...
"ND which wants mentally disabled autistics to rot"
That's missing from my copy of the Neurodiversity Manifesto.
Perhaps it's in our "How to Take Over the World" Manual...
I'll have to have a look.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
LOVE that sense of humour!
(I even spelled it British style, in your honour.) ;-)
Clay, at 12:37 PM
(much to the chagrin of said blogger) 195 comments and counting...
jonathan said...
"david i pity you, anyone who would post such nasty insults and abuse is pathetic."
Hmmm, well let's just see about that, shall we?
jonathan said...
harry williams (aka socrates) a man who can't even have a roof over his head and house himself never accomplished squat in his life trying to give someone advice in an insulting manner, absolutely pathetic.
jonathan said...
harry you are homeless, you don't even have a loo to crap in, you did not do any of those professionally besides being a dishwasher. The only girls you had sex with walked on four legs and are in the dog pound or animal shelter.
jonathan said...
Andrews: The person who needs pyshciatric help is you. You are one very sick dude, I suggest you get some help for your daughter's sake if not for your own sake.
Clay Adams: You are nothing but a gutless liar, what you said about my admitting on my blog that i learned to hate autism from my mother's knee is a complete and deliberate fabrication on your part. Grow up and get a life, you are truly pathetic.
Jonathan said:
Clay: I published your drivel on autism's gadfly. I have no problem publishing something where someone makes the complete jackass out of themselves that you did. You showed that I never said what you said. You proved yourself that you are an out and out liar, you only showed what a sleezeball you are by having to stoop to saying things about my mother and your lack of intellect about having to use these ad hominem arguments instead of stating some facts.
Gluyas: I am going to be charitable to you and not even respond to a deranged wingnut like you.
Jonathan said:
As I have said before for the umpteenth time, why don't you try to take your own advice and get a job and find a way to house yourself so at least you can have a loo to crap in anytime you want.
jonathan said...
Gluyas, if your mother had put you in an institution where a wingnut like you belongs, you would not be in the position you are in right now. You would be in a straight jacket without access to a computer or internet connection so you would not constantly be making the complete jackass out of yourself that your moronic behavior is doing.
jonathan said...
It saddens me that a moronic jackass like Clay Adams does not understand charity. I was only trying to spare him the embarrassment of looking like the imbecile that he is by not publishing what he wrote. But obviously, Adams just doesn't get it. He is too stupid to realize that he is only hurting himself by posting what he is posting him, showing himself to be the absolutely self-hating geriatic (says he's 58 but looks more like 88 in his photos) senile piece of shit slimeball that he is. He is only hurting himself with his lies, abusive behavior and assinine statements, not me.
jonathan said...
For a homeless bum like you who never made a quid in his life except a brief stint as a dishwasher who has to crap and piss in his underwear and has to go to the dog pound to get his rocks off, you tell me, harry.
jonathan said...
Then why don't you do us all a favor then cubed. Why don't you get a smith&Wesson .38 and just shoot yourself in the head and end it all today so we don't have to read your long-winded chattering and nonsense on these forums and your ludicrous attempts to justify neurodiversity.
No, Jon-boy wouldn't stoop to such nasty insults and abuse. That would be, er, pathetic.
Mitchell, shove your "charity" of censoring my posts from your blog. The real reason was because you didn't want that content on your own blog, which showed that you're in DEEP denial of the basic fact that your mother never did love or accept you *as you are*, you then learned that attitude from her, and also never loved or accepted yourself, warts and autism and all.
And now, to quote myself:
"Jonathan, I haven't done this out of "hatred" for you, but I will admit of a disgust for the morose, sad sack, reality-denying person that you are, and I believe this reflects the attitude of most of the autistic community, and you should be aware of that. This discussion has provided that opportunity."
I hope I've made my points abundantly clear, and if Jonathan doesn't respond with anything more than insults or a stark denial, I'm done with this.
Clay, at 1:51 PM
I went to your blog and read your short stories and I did have empathy and sympathy for you but for that comment you said to me I have absolutely no respect for you at all.
Best, I also see you like to degrade women to sexual gradifying objects.
Here is your comment that I picked up on Mitchell's site.
" Foresam said...
I wouldn't advise Jonathan to have anything to do with the likes of you, not even to get a quick hummer."
Mitchell and Best, women are not your sexual slaves and servants. I find both of you morally despicable. No wonder you had problems mitchell. You hung around fucks who were assholes and women who prostituted themselves literally to get ahead. Second, you want to be like these guys and have women such as this? This makes me wonder if lurker and informer believe the same way.
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM
I do not write anything for Jonathan but I do give him winning horses. You see Clay, my whole motivation for being here is to help all autistic people, even the really stupid ones like you and Timenut.
The treatments I speak of are well proven Clay. They probably won't work on old bastards like you but you'll never know if you don't try them.
John Best, at 2:37 PM
Why don't you get him laid then?
That's what I do for my friends that are short on luck...
Socrates, at 2:38 PM
I'm only trying to help you gain mental health. You have to emerge from the cult mentality of believing that having a damaged brain is a good thing.
That's rich coming from someone who has severe mental health problems!
Brain damage is bad. I want you to write that 100 times and perhaps your perception of reality will begin to change.
How about you get Sam to do that? Rhetorical question to make a point.
The treatments I speak of are well proven Clay.
*rolls eyes* I've always demanded verifiable proof of this and you've never delivered. Except that waste of a You Tube video.
Socrates, I wouldn't be taking "getting laid" advice from Best when he has enough trouble himself getting any. Last I heard he was divorced and bringing up Sam by himself. I'll bet that since 1997 (which at a guess is when Sam was born) that I've got it more than he has!!
Mitchell, shove your "charity" of censoring my posts from your blog. The real reason was because you didn't want that content on your own blog, which showed that you're in DEEP denial of the basic fact that your mother never did love or accept you *as you are*, you then learned that attitude from her, and also never loved or accepted yourself, warts and autism and all.
Well said, Clay! I see I'm not the only one being pushed off Mitchell's blog. He refuses to learn because he leads such a blinkered existence. What Cube Demon said says plenty as well. Mitchell's stories are written to paint Autism badly, when in fact Autism was not the problem. Society is the problem. But of course Mitchell refuses to see that because of the way he was brought up.
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM
From what I read here, your female friends are of the four legged variety. I don't think I want to meet your friends who use them.
John Best, at 3:45 PM
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