In my last post, I described a phone conversation involving a Cassandra group leader who saw nothing wrong with diagnosing a woman's husband with Asperger syndrome over the phone, based entirely on the wife's description of their marital problems and without ever talking to her husband, who was in fact not autistic.
There's more to the story. The husband separately contacted a Cassandra counselor, who was closely affiliated with the person to whom his wife had spoken. He described the problems in their marriage from his point of view. The counselor told him that she understood completely and that his wife's undiagnosed Asperger syndrome was clearly the cause of all the difficulties in the marriage. (In reality, she's not autistic either.)
The counselor invited the husband to attend a partner support group meeting to gain more insight into what he could do to alleviate his suffering from Cassandra disorder. Once there, he was encouraged to tell the group all about his wife's inability to understand how normal people felt, the misery that her affliction had brought upon him, and so forth. The group members told him that they had sympathy and compassion for him and that sharing his experiences was a necessary part of healing. Then they ranted about how incapable their own spouses were of giving them any emotional support.
And of course, nothing said could be disputed, no matter how hateful or absurd, as it was so important to validate the experiences of the poor Cassandra sufferers who had endured so many years of never being believed…
There's more to the story. The husband separately contacted a Cassandra counselor, who was closely affiliated with the person to whom his wife had spoken. He described the problems in their marriage from his point of view. The counselor told him that she understood completely and that his wife's undiagnosed Asperger syndrome was clearly the cause of all the difficulties in the marriage. (In reality, she's not autistic either.)
The counselor invited the husband to attend a partner support group meeting to gain more insight into what he could do to alleviate his suffering from Cassandra disorder. Once there, he was encouraged to tell the group all about his wife's inability to understand how normal people felt, the misery that her affliction had brought upon him, and so forth. The group members told him that they had sympathy and compassion for him and that sharing his experiences was a necessary part of healing. Then they ranted about how incapable their own spouses were of giving them any emotional support.
And of course, nothing said could be disputed, no matter how hateful or absurd, as it was so important to validate the experiences of the poor Cassandra sufferers who had endured so many years of never being believed…
Labels: Cassandra scam
I really hope that you're getting this information from reliable sources, abfh.
I so much agree with what you're saying about this crap of CADD, and the disgusting industry it's spawning, but let's be diligent and empirical in the evidence, not anecdotal. I need to PROVE this theory is rubbish. I really need hard facts, and welcome them.
I am concerned about HB 2208. Do you know anything about this, in Massachusetts? Can you shed any light on it?
Barbara, at 7:52 PM
Whoa! This just shows just how sick and out of control all this crap is.
I would well imagine the fella was the only male in the group.
These shitty Cassandra things are mostly run by groups of pathetic sad sack whining women with nothing better to do but run down their mates.
What a buzz to have a bunch of women cooing, sighing and sympathetically telling him he's also a poor victim of his spouse like they are.
Almost an ultimate male fantasy if he had any actual or real problems in his marriage.
And if he didn’t have before, he could certainly acquire a few with that sort of stuff going on. Especially if his wife was the wise to it all. I can’t see him going home and viewing his wife in any healthy loving or compassionate way, after such an experience, if it was for real.
It's bloody easy to see how these hate groups break up relationships and leave kids with out one of their parents.
It’s a bloody shame this is shit is allowed to go on.
Hearing this
I'm Pissed Off.
Pissed Off, at 8:10 PM
Barbara: Yes, everything I described in both posts did in fact happen. I wish I had just made it up, but these are real people and real groups. As for the Massachusetts legislation, FAAAS has promoted similar bills on several occasions, trying to get themselves designated as an official source for information about autism. So far they haven't succeeded, but it is a cause for concern, as you say.
Pissed Off: So am I.
abfh, at 8:37 PM
He, I always wondered how they would fit non-autistic men and autistic women, (or LGBT couples) into these tired Cassandra/Apollo gender stereotypes.
The whole thing just blows the mind.
Gonzo, at 11:42 PM
Where can I join up? : )
Peter the Player, at 12:09 AM
"Peter the Player said...
Where can I join up?" : )
Just stay away from MY CAD group, and MY girls!
I found them first.
Go find your own rescue group Pete!
Victor the Victim, at 12:19 AM
I've found the girls in my CAD group really welcome my contribution.
They just need an understanding male with an empathetic listening ear, and a few nice big strong comforting NT hugs to set them on the road to recovery from the CAD they catch from their lousy untoucy unfeely Mr Spock husbands.
I feel I kind of provide a well needed service to the them, and even to their Aspie spouses.
Thanks to guys like me, AS husbands can concentrate on their impressive, lucrative careers as engineers, scientists, and professors.
Meanwhile, since I’m “normal”, I get to keep their poor lacking, affection starved wives happy with all my “genuine love and empathy”.
...and off their Aspie pain in ### men’s backs.
I don’t mind helping the girls out with their healing in this way. They are very reciprocal of the love and care I give. And it helps to make it clear to them what they are missing in not having a "real man" like me.
I see it as a win win service I provide to the Aspie community.
I don’t have to worry about having to do that boring hard work on creating real intimacy and being close to my own complaining, demanding, unappreciative (probably “Aspie”, so the girls all assure me) wife.
I get to "feel extra good" with all the girls, dreaming on about having a “wonderful sensitive guy like me", and well, the Aspies don't have to worry any more, that not being NT, …THEY JUST CAN'T FEEL AT ALL!
You Aspies really ought to be more grateful to the good work of the CAD groups, with a male member or two, like me.
Aspies can be so “unappreciative” of how we NTs try to help them. Never as much as a thank you. The girls and me all know it’s not really something they can help.
It’s because they have “no social skills” at all.
That’s just to name a couple of the many nasty faults we are afflicted with in allowing them to live with us normal people.
You can’t blame us for getting “our needs met” within the group.
After all, we are only human you know.
It’s not an NT’s fault that Aspies can’t relate to that.
Mal the Manipulator, at 1:52 AM
Peter the Player? Victor the Victim?? Mal the Manipulator???
Is our resident NH imbecile trying to be funny?
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 2:26 AM
David, I agree.
This is no funny situation.
It's a very serious issue.
Men and women are suffering and something needs to be done about this.
Too many CAD groups are still man-less.
CAD males are in demand with our girls.
Karen Wantmen, at 2:43 AM
David, I think we both know just how serious that fruitcake "thinks" he is.
Heavy emphasis on "thinks" because he doesn't know how.
I notice Barbara is trying desperately to defend her agenda as usual.
Anonymous, at 7:14 AM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Best, at 11:17 AM
some bastard farted, it seems...
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 11:40 AM
Oh my! John!
You are definitely a
"CAD Disordered man"!
By the way you speak, it certainly sounds like your difficult wife may have Aspergers Syndrome, and not be meeting your needs as you would want her too. The cow she is. You need to pull back and dissociate from her at once with emotional distance so you can heal.
Please allow me to comfort you and support you in your pain, you poor dear. You are in a terrible sex starved condition and need my help.
I can rescue you and help out any way I can.
We need more viral men like you in our groups to show our girls what a real man is all about. What time can you be at my house?. Or would you like me to pick you up?
Karen Wantmen, at 11:57 AM
John, your misogynistic rants are not welcome on my blog. Take that crap somewhere else.
abfh, at 2:30 PM
... and the wonderful abfh came in with the air-freshener!
thank you.... we can breath safely now!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 3:56 PM
"Barbara: Yes, everything I described in both posts did in fact happen. I wish I had just made it up, but these are real people and real groups. As for the Massachusetts legislation, FAAAS has promoted similar bills on several occasions, trying to get themselves designated as an official source for information about autism. So far they haven't succeeded, but it is a cause for concern, as you say."
Yes, and I think this is the core issue. Thanks abfh for confirming my suspicion.
Barbara, at 4:32 PM
1. misogynist
Noun: A man who wins an argument with a Feminist.
Karen, send me a picture.
John Best, at 5:01 PM
John, you couldn't win an argument with a paper bag...
abfh, at 5:17 PM
John is a man with manifold issues.
Let us not forget this.
He is a man who hates the child he has fathered, and believes that the child has been poisoned. He can't understand that his genetics may have created a son like him, but more so.
He hasn't got a clue that his obsession with gambling and his desperate need to get this system right, is anything to do with autism. He can't take it on board that his hypergraphia is like, a clue to who he is, and why he does all this stuff in a blog.
He doesn't understand that 'hating' and elements of paranoia, can be negative traits (although not seen in all), of the autism spectrum.
John is a hater. There are very many NTs like him, but the hypersensitivity of the spectrum means that there may be more anxiety, and more fear, and a greater external locus of control in ASCs than in those not on the spectrum.
Those with an internal locus of control know that we have a choice to accept or deny what 'fate' throws at us. It's not the fault of The Fickle Finger of Fate, as to how our lives pan out. No one else is responsible. No one else is to be blamed.
It's us. Mercury isn't the monster, any more than any other person is. Our lives belong to us, John. We take responsibility for it.
Otherwise, we position ourselves as victims. And no one should do that.
Let's acknowledge who we actually are. And take pride, and responsibility, in that. It's honest to be ourselves.
Barbara, at 6:04 PM
You mean a blow up doll, ABFH! LMAO!
Anonymous, at 6:04 PM
Must say how heart-warming it is to know that a friend of ours is on holiday. I haven't had one of those since 2004.
Can't afford it. Can't believe that person can! Must be living in a parallel universe, which is very different from the picture I was given as to the lived-life reality. It must have been a lie.
I thought this was someone with my own severe financial problems. Clearly not.
Barbara, at 7:01 PM
"I notice Barbara is trying desperately to defend her agenda as usual."
Phil, I don't have an agenda. That's where you logical positivists go wrong.
I am trying to carry out an examination of social realities, perhaps with the understanding that there may not be a single social reality, but rather a series of alternative co-existing social constructions, all of which carry their own validity.
Get it?
Barbara, at 7:19 PM
Please take your head out of the textbook and take a glimpse at reality. Normal babies do not suddenly turn into zombies for no reason. Unless they're born stupid like Timelord, there has to be a reason why they regress.
These children ARE victims you moron.
No nitwit from Neuroinsanity can win an argument with me. That's why you have to resort to deleting my comments.
John Best, at 8:32 PM
Barbara: I think it's important to have some downtime every now and again, just to relax, even if it's not an expensive holiday.
John: If your comments ever had anything resembling a coherent argument, rather than pointless and prejudiced insults, I wouldn't delete them.
abfh, at 9:23 PM
Since you allow Andrews and Timenut to comment here, you make the possibility of any coherent arguments slim.
John Best, at 10:28 PM
"Since you allow Andrews and Timenut to comment here, you make the possibility of any coherent arguments slim."
abfh allows my comments through, because - when you're not around to stir up a shit-storm - my comments add to the debate something useful.
i've yet to see you contribute a useful point to the debates on this blog...
what's that say about your comments?
for example:
"1. misogynist
Noun: A man who wins an argument with a Feminist."
does it add to the debate? no. what does it do? it shows that you've got nothing sensible to contribute to what's going on.
"No nitwit from Neuroinsanity can win an argument with me. That's why you have to resort to deleting my comments."
talk about bloody narcissistic!
abhf: "John: If your comments ever had anything resembling a coherent argument, rather than pointless and prejudiced insults, I wouldn't delete them."
what did you come up with after that, John?
you came up with this: "Since you allow Andrews and Timenut to comment here, you make the possibility of any coherent arguments slim."
pointless, and consisting only of prejudiced insult.
how the fuck haven't you managed to feel as embarrassed as most people would feel after making themselves look such an idiot? i mean, you might think you're being clever, but ... well, nah. you're not.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 4:07 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:17 AM
posted a response to wrong blog...
never eat sandwiches and try doing this blog stuff with only one hand!!!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:19 AM
Misogynist is one of those words that really has no valid definition, much like homophobe. It's based on prejudice against the natural order of things and can not be taken seriously.
In fact, while one of my deleted comments regarding obedience by wives was meant as a joke, you could analyze why it was humorous to right thinking males but, probably not to you. You might learn something from that. You could come to appreciate how normal people think through gaining an understanding of locker room humor.
You don't know how normal males think and that's why you had to go sticking your nose in psychology books, to learn something about yourself. So far, it hasn't helped you.
Hey Dave, I wrote that without swearing at you. You should try that sometime.
John Best, at 9:01 AM
"Misogynist is one of those words that really has no valid definition, much like homophobe. It's based on prejudice against the natural order of things and can not be taken seriously."
Idiotic rambling. Invalid.
"In fact, while one of my deleted comments regarding obedience by wives was meant as a joke, you could analyze why it was humorous to right thinking males but, probably not to you."
Prejudiced insult, not very well disguised as 'comment'.
"You might learn something from that. You could come to appreciate how normal people think through gaining an understanding of locker room humor."
Again... second instance of above.
"You don't know how normal males think and that's why you had to go sticking your nose in psychology books, to learn something about yourself. So far, it hasn't helped you."
Umm.... anyone else see a third instance of that?
"Hey Dave, I wrote that without swearing at you. You should try that sometime."
Well, three times you've attempted to hide prejudiced insult behind 'comment' and seriously failed. Why the fuck would you be worth not swearing at? Eh?
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:11 PM
Sanity Lost,
None of your answers address my points. You lose again.
John Best, at 5:54 PM
"Sanity Lost,
None of your answers address my points. You lose again."
Oh puleeese.
Playground games are so four-year-old.
Barbara, at 6:13 PM
"None of your answers address my points. You lose again."
Actually, I addressed all points with the respect they deserved, using an appropriate critical analysis of their respective contents. Just because they were entirely meritless doesn't mean you win. Quite the opposite, if this is what you care about (win v. lose). But that's your issue, ForeSkin.
Now, John... why not act like a grown up and just fucking leave it where it is?
(Even though I know you'll pick it up again and start being an arse... you can't help it; it's like a compulsion with you).
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:32 PM
Will you tell me why any sane person should accept misogynist or homophobe as valid words? All they are is reverse bigotry.
Let's try one point at a time so we don't overtax your intellect, OK?
John Best, at 10:48 PM
I am trying to carry out an examination of social realities, perhaps with the understanding that there may not be a single social reality, but rather a series of alternative co-existing social constructions, all of which carry their own validity.
That's an agenda, Barbara! Way to be two faced....
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
Best, is bigotry a valid word?
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM
When used as a propaganda tool by misconstruing philosophies, bigotry is not a valid word.
For instance, nobody could accuse you of being prejudiced against intelligence just because you don't have any. That would be just as foolish as you neuroinsane knuckleheads accusing parents of autistic children of being prejudiced against autistic people just because we don't allow ourselves to be hornswaggled by your nefarious and disingenuous rhetoric that tries to elucidate less than cogent decision making on our part.
John Best, at 12:35 PM
"Will you tell me why any sane person should accept misogynist or homophobe as valid words?"
No content except prejudiced insult.
"All they are is reverse bigotry."
Unsupported statement.
"Let's try one point at a time so we don't overtax your intellect, OK?"
No content except prejudiced insult.
Not a great attempt to hide your insult, John.
Try real discussion. You might ike it.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:51 PM
Oh wow, big words from Beasty Boy! Anyone impressed?
Scratcher, at 1:28 AM
"Oh wow, big words from Beasty Boy!"
you think?
"Anyone impressed?"
fuck! that'll be right LoL
and don't tell me you're impressed, cos i know you're only ripping the piss out of him! :P
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 6:20 AM
When used as a propaganda tool by misconstruing philosophies, bigotry is not a valid word.
Which is what you do, Best. Your dictionary has proven to be very small, so your so called teachings on definitions is completely invalid due to your own bigotry against the most important thing in the world. Opposition to perfection.
You're a narcissist who has had your world shaken by an "imperfect" child - shaken so badly your perception of reality looks like the World Trade Towers on September 12, 2001. Your phobias are irrational and you display that lack of rationality every time you post.
Hey, David! How's that for real discussion? *grins* And yeah, Craig/Scratcher would be ripping the piss out of him!
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
My words to you were a starting point for discussion. The objest is for you to provide at least some minor reason why those words are legitimate. You can't do it, can you?
I had a perfect child. He was injured. Sane people help their kids recover from injuries. Since you and your ex-male wife can't have kids, (thank God), you'll never know what I'm talking about.
John Best, at 9:23 PM
"My words to you were a starting point for discussion. The objest is for you to provide at least some minor reason why those words are legitimate. You can't do it, can you?"
No they weren't. And your posts were full of nothing but thinly-veiled prejudiced insult. Get a grip, John... you have a long-standing pattern of behaviour like this. You want to claim the illegitimacy of some words? Then it's for you to provide incontrovertible evidence that your claim is right, not for me to prove they are legitimate! You haven't even learned that over the years: your debating skills are pretty poor, John.... if you can't get it after years of being reminded that when YOU make a claim it is for YOU to provide the evidence to support that claim (rather than for others to do the work you're too bloody lazy to do for yourself and find the evidence for your claim in order to rebut it).
For someone who claimed to have three academic degrees, you don't seem to have had a good education, man. You need to leave Eli Lily alone and start suing your fucking universities/colleges... they short-changed you, man.
No, I'm not joking there. If you can't figure out that lot, then you were fucking short-changed.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:21 AM
"Hey, David! How's that for real discussion? *grins* And yeah, Craig/Scratcher would be ripping the piss out of him!"
You see, that's the difference between us and him: we know how to discuss stuff. We know that - if WE make a claim - it's for US to put forward evidence to support our claim. He's never managed to do that when he's made a claim in all the time I've been aware of his paranoid insignificant fucking existence!
For someone who claimed to me that he'd got three degrees, he's not very fucking clever, is he? Shitting Jesus... how can he be so intellectually fucked-up if he went to such a good university?
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:25 AM
John thinks this is debate (I annotate, showing prejudiced insult content where it occurs):
"For instance, nobody could accuse you of being prejudiced against intelligence just because you don't have any."
Prejudiced insult. Nothing but that. Very thinly veiled. Pretty fucking obvious, really!
"That would be just as foolish as you neuroinsane knuckleheads accusing parents of autistic children of being prejudiced against autistic people just because we don't allow ourselves to be hornswaggled by your nefarious and disingenuous rhetoric that tries to elucidate less than cogent decision making on our part."
Fuck me sideways... where to fucking start?! 'fooling', 'knuckle-heads', eh? And THEN he says (quote) ... 'less than cogent decision making on our part'! The 'our' is self-referential to his 'side' of the 'debate'. So he's even claiming that his own side are making 'less than cogent decisions'.
'Cogent' means (Merriam-Webster dictionary):
1- having power to compel or constrain;
2a- appealing forcibly to mind or reason
2b- pertinent, relevant
None of those adjectives seem to actually pertain to decisions themselves; they pertain more to arguments and analyses of the arguments used to make decisions. So - possible selection error on JBJr's part.
Secondly... he's stated that his 'side' are making decisions that are:
1- less than compelling;
2a- less than appealing (forcibly to mind or reason);
2b- 'less than relevant' or 'less than pertinent'.
EITHER he hasn't a clue how to use the word cogent, OR he's admitting that his 'side' of the 'debate' are incapable of making a decision made on the basis of cogent argument and/or analysis.
What a twonk!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:49 AM
I had a perfect child. He was injured.
You injured him. Constantly for four to seven years through neglect. There is no such thing as perfect any more than there is such a thing as normal.
Sane people help their kids recover from injuries.
You've failed. Because you treated Autism like an injury, when in fact it is a neurological difference. The low functioning aspect of your son was caused by your neglect. The regression was your fault. You managed to reverse some of it out of sheer good luck - which bluntly you don't deserve. Sam deserves a better father.
And that is the last time you defame my wife. You already know why we don't have kids and it has nothing to do with her. She was female from birth. If you repeat that slanderous line again you will be sued for slander. Clear?
David, he's never been to university.
Anonymous, at 6:53 AM
"David, he's never been to university."
Wouldn't surprise me, you know. Not at all.
"If you repeat that slanderous line again you will be sued for slander."
No point saying that to an idiot like him. He'll only goad you to it... purely because he's too stupid to not give in to his imbecilic impulses.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 2:55 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Best, at 4:52 PM
The comment that I deleted proved your point, David, not surprisingly.
Go find something else to do, John.
abfh, at 5:07 PM
"The comment that I deleted proved your point, David, not surprisingly."
He's SO bloody predictable. Means I have the measure of him now.
What a bored man he must be, eh?
If only he WOULD just bugger off and leave us all.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 6:52 PM
Actually, David, I meant what I said. I've already typed up a Writ just in case he does do it. I don't bluff - unlike him. If he did say it again in the post ABFH removed she has actually protected him from action.
He thinks I won't do it. I will. I know how and I've already had one win for something similar.
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
Indeed, Phil.
I'm just not sure he actually thinks about the implications of his actions. I don't think he ever has. Nor does he want to.
That would be for him to worry about if anyone SHOULD decide to take a legal action against him.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:16 PM
I merely asked questions about your wife. You can't sue me for asking questions.
Are you going to pretend to be a lawyer again Phil and mail me a note demanding an apology?
John Best, at 5:54 PM
That note you got was from a genuine lawyer, Best. It was not me. I linked you before to him in my local Yellow Pages, so don't blame me if you want to live in a fantasy world over that.
You made a statement. It was not a question. The statement was utterly false and it would be in your best interests to withdraw it unreservedly.
There will not be another warning. If you do it again, the first you will know of it is when you are served with the Writ by your local sheriff's office. I already know how to get that done if required.
Anonymous, at 8:02 PM
Why the blue fuck are rational intelligent people responding to this dirt ball? Good Odin in Asengard. Stop it. Stop feeding some backwards, sloped skulled, self-hating red-neck. Either he should go back to the milary and die combat so we can be rid of bad genes and stupidity or get of the internet so he can pseudo-heal Sam and then drown him once he realizes that the snake oil isn't working anymore. (I am suprised he hasn't drown him let and go breed another knowing his morals) ((and in case you took this seriously this is all cynisim and satire I am not really being serious))
Y'all are better than him, you all need to stop giving him attention. I am guilty of this two but everyone seriously needs to stop feeding him attention. He isn't entertain much anymore since all of his trolling is so damn predictable (hell I troll better than him when I'm stoned) I can totally predict his patterns why the hell are you still baiting him?
C'mon guys quit with the "Foreskin, Timenut" shit too you're probably 10 years my senior and even I think it's asinine.
Everyone should grow up (Foresam can't help it because of Bigotry disorder maybe chelating him will help)
Bard, at 11:31 PM
I'm more than 30 years your senior.
Doesn't Timelord make you laugh with his legal threats? You can't take this neuroinsanity crap seriously. Don't you know it's all for the amusement of sane people?
John Best, at 11:46 PM
If you find this "amusing', John, you truly are what Philip says you are. Completely insane and should be thrown in jail for crimes against humanity.
Hello, ABFH! I'm Allison and I'm a friend of Philip/Timelord. I like your blog!
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM
I'm more than 30 years your senior.
Doesn't Timelord make you laugh with his legal threats? You can't take this neuroinsanity crap seriously. Don't you know it's all for the amusement of sane people?
Oh go commit a hate crime under the guise of patrotism.
Bard, at 12:09 AM
Hi Allison, glad to have you here!
abfh, at 12:12 AM
We know that Timenut doesn't have any friends so stop using sockpuppets, Phil.
John Best, at 7:49 AM
I have plenty of friends, idiot. You're the one who doesn't have any because you throw them away the instant you know they won't support you 100 percent.
You can't prove that anyway and you know you can't.
Oh go commit a hate crime under the guise of patrotism.
He already has, Night Storm. He called for a military coup in order to make sure the eugenic destruction of the Autistic culture goes ahead.
I've got Best anyway;
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
There is no such thing as autistic culture. There are only patehtic zombies existing in asylums, unloved once their parents die, tolerated by underpaid staff who tend to them, waiting patiently to die, whence their souls will be free of the poison that mangled their brains.
There is an autistic culture in heaven only, where rescued souls rejoice, their chains unbound.
They see the fate of the Nazis who kept them imprisoned, liars, profiteers and cowards.
They see you too, Nutlord. They see your forgiveness. For the Lord is just. He will not judge you for your diminished capacity. He will take you in and bless you, with an unmangled soul, that you may be relieved of your earthly burden, and you will dwell with the angels.
For He will not judge your brain damaged delusions. He will reward your perseverance. The Almighty will not reject the downtrodden, the pitiful horde of half-witted boobs who suffered to serve the demons.
For He has a plan. The half-wits shall enlighten the world with their brilliance. The stupidity shall shine forth as a beacon of truth to the extent of the brain damage and the masses will awaken.
They shall see the babbling fools and take pity. For the fools help us to shine the light.
John Best, at 10:53 AM
He already has, Night Storm. He called for a military coup in order to make sure the eugenic destruction of the Autistic culture goes ahead.
I hardly think it would ever pull though, and I mean hate crime under the gov' that way he could do his patrotic duty and murder some poor sap, get arrested and and incarcarated and leave all of use alone.
and the whole thing about google taking away Best blog or some crap like that. I am rolling my eyes Phil. That will do crap he'll make another or move to some other blogging site and recollect there.
I want RL consenqueces. He wouldn't give a damn if his kid is taken from him or if he is arrested. But gods it would get him out of our hair for a little bit
He should go to /b/ and learn to really troll. But he to fucking old to know what that is (you probably don't have a clue either)
Bard, at 11:01 AM
For He has a plan. The half-wits shall enlighten the world with their brilliance.
*checks off her red-neck bingo*
Dumbass Chirstosheep, check.
Bard, at 11:03 AM
He has a plan for you,
and thou shalt goest unto the Lord,
And behold a wise man and biddeth to him,
For He will provide.
John Best, at 1:15 PM
"and thou shalt goest unto the Lord"
Frigging idiot can't even do that right!
"and thou shalt go unto the Lord" is the correct form; the 'est' ending is second person singular!
Dim bastard!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 4:53 PM
He has a plan for you,
and thou shalt goest unto the Lord,
And behold a wise man and biddeth to him,
For He will provide.
What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you over my shamanic drumming...
Bard, at 5:31 PM
" Timelord said...
I am trying to carry out an examination of social realities, perhaps with the understanding that there may not be a single social reality, but rather a series of alternative co-existing social constructions, all of which carry their own validity.
That's an agenda, Barbara! Way to be two faced...."
No, way to be a qualitative researcher and a post-modernist. It's not two-faced, and it's not two dimensional. There are no binary oppositions. Meaning is always deferred. Everything is multi-faceted in every way.
We have to listen,always, to things we may not want to hear, and argue strongly if we think it's the right thing to do. I'm always up for an argument on social justice issues.
But Petit Jean has nothing to say. So why not bloody ignore him?
He's just a pointless irritant. Rather like a gnat in the room.
Barbara, at 7:41 PM
Barbara, Best is a threat. A serious one. You fail to see the power he has at present grabbing real names and smearing them on the Net. He's done it to me, Ari, Amanda....the list is endless.
For Night Storm's benefit, that is why the removal of his blog WILL hurt him. He HAS to have control, and losing that blog will take it away from him. He fears me (yeah he'll laugh that off for sure, but that's a smoke screen). He'll probably bring it back, but not on Google. And I'm sure that other providers will be easier to deal with when it comes to TOS issues. Eventually he will lose blog access completely as he should.
Best has already shown he can't run his own website (remember hating autism dot com - which now redirects to the Autism Hub LOL) whereas I can. Think about that analogy!
I won't bother with that religious claptrap from Best. It shows with clarity how insane he really is (and dangerous) and that's it.
Just to finish - Barbara you just did it again. You figure you don't have an agenda? You just admitted to having one again! Being a researcher is having an agenda! And if you really are for social justice - you would have provided the links I asked for elsewhere on this blog. But you didn't. You made statements about what was supposedly happening to Attwood on the Net, but wouldn't show us the tweets on Twitter or anything else for that matter.
I think the two faces are obvious.
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM
He who believeth in Me shall not perish.
John Best, at 8:07 PM
*makes a bonfire* *gets it going* *strips down to her skeevies*
He who believeth in Me shall not perish.
*dances around bonfire drumming a oxhide drum* *chant* Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon IN THE NAME OF THE OAK Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon IN THE NAME OF THE YEW Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon IN THE NAME OF THE ASH Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon
*dances in a trance*
Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon Bestbegon
For Night Storm's benefit, that is why the removal of his blog WILL hurt him. He HAS to have control, and losing that blog will take it away from him. He fears me (yeah he'll laugh that off for sure, but that's a smoke screen). He'll probably bring it back, but not on Google. And I'm sure that other providers will be easier to deal with when it comes to TOS issues. Eventually he will lose blog access completely as he should.
Blogging access is such a small victory we should really think about RL if he is so dangerous.
Bard, at 9:05 PM
"He who believeth in Me shall not perish."
Holy fuck! He thinks he's Jesus now!
What a bloody arsehole.
Best needs serious treatment.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 2:09 AM
"David, that's nothing new. He has thought he was God let alone Jesus Christ for a long time!"
LoL .... true, actually. serious fucked up guy....
But look at this for a fucking beatitude, eh?:
"Blessed are the mental cases for they shall inherit treatment."
This could be where we find out if there is a god or not: because if there is, Best will inherit his treatment super-fucking quite!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:45 PM
"I've tried ignoring him. It caused me more trauma than I could handle. I HAVE to fight him - for my own peace of mind, and for the entire community's online presence. With governments around the world under funding support for people like us when it comes to information, desperate parents go online to get it - and Best knows it. That scares the crap out of me and I can't just sit idly by and do nothing about it."
Phil - Camille, Bronwen and I destroyed him totally in 2005. Please don't take him seriously.
He's stupid and worthless and sick.
Please don't take him seriously.
Chill. Do you see Jenny taking him seriously?
Like, what does that say?
He has a very small willie.
Jenny likes them meaty.
Barbara, at 7:32 PM
Oh, and I meant my last comment metaphorically, of course.
No reference to any person, living or dead, was meant by the post. And I plucked the name Jenny out of an analogous bag, to signify any female human being, and this was not directed at any other Jenny who may lay claim to this nomenclature.
Willie was also used in the same way, as to reference, crudely,male genitalia.
John Best is, I admit, a real person. Sadly.
Barbara, at 7:41 PM
I kinda figured Beasy Boy has tiny dick, considering all the macho postering he does all over the net.
Don't worry my dick is tiny too...but we call it a clit *wink*
Bard, at 9:39 PM
Barbara and Nightstorm,
I'm happy to see that you both fantasize about the size of my genitalia.
Since male genitalia vary in size according to mental states and the size is inversely proportional to the ugliness of the nearest dumb broad, it is safe to say that, in your cases, no amount of viagra could induce maximum rigidity whereby either of you could gain a proper appreciation of size.
Thanks for the laugh.
John Best, at 10:56 PM
Phil - Camille, Bronwen and I destroyed him totally in 2005.
No you didn't. If you had have he wouldn't be still kicking.
Please don't take him seriously.
I suggest you do, for Sam's sake and for the sake of correct education on the Internet when it comes to the Autistic Spectrum.
If you are serious about that, that is.
Anonymous, at 5:12 AM
"Phil - Camille, Bronwen and I destroyed him totally in 2005.
No you didn't. If you had have he wouldn't be still kicking."
No, love. He's just posturing.
He is hugely theatrical. But very very stupid. He is a no one in the grand scheme of things. He really doesn't matter, and should be ignored.
He just craves attention. That's what the death threats are all about. We've all had them. Nothing new there, move along folks.
Don't you understand psychosis? This guy is barmy.
You know, in my life, I've had about 6 death threats from nutters. I've been seriously stalked in RL four times. And all because I was on telly and radio.
These mad people are easily dealt with. You report them to the police. They take care of it. I've done that many times with RL and online mad people.
There are people here I would not do that to, because I know they're basically OK, if a little off-kilter.
The madness of the internet is a problem we all have to deal with when confronted by it - some more Googleable than others.
But John Best is just a sad barsteward, who hurts and despises his own lovely son.
That's his problem. Record what he says, always, just in case it spills into RL.
That's my way of dealing with mad people. And I usually contact the police at my first suspicions of those who may not be totally sane.
John you can discount. He's not anything like dangerous. Believe me, I know who is dangerous.
Barbara, at 7:32 PM
No you don't. Your behavoiur re Tony Attwood is proof of that. And you really think the police have done anything? Come on!
As long as he has a Net presence, he's dangerous. Full stop.
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM
"No you don't. Your behavoiur re Tony Attwood is proof of that. And you really think the police have done anything? Come on!"
Yes Phil. You don't know what I know, and what's happened, and I'll never disclose that. It's private, if serious, and I've sort of left it alone, but just recorded it with the police in Tony's case and in my own, just in case. Always watch your back, but don't make a big issue, is my motto.
The internet can get a bit overheated, and sometimes it's hard to tell the good guys from those who are total nutters, those who've had too much substance, those who have moments which they regret.
John will never regret anything. He's a lost soul. And that's so sad and desperate, because I think he actually believes in the myths he's signed up to.
Can't you see he's on the spectrum, and has so many co-morbidities now that he just hates everyone and everything.
There's no getting through to him.
Just leave him to his delusions.
If he'd been diagnosed, and supported, the additional psychoses and co-morbids may not have clicked in.The substance abuse may not have happened. The gambling addictions may not have happened. The fury may not have happened. The delusion that his lovely son has been poisoned may not have happened.
Who knows? I think he's spectrum, but he may just be psychotic. At least he's so hyper on the internet that he can't be out in the real world with a gun or a bomb or a knife or a fist.
Barbara, at 5:38 PM
All I want to know from you is how much viagra you have to hide in guys' drinks in pubs before you start looking good to them?
John Best, at 9:26 PM
*ignores above post*
Barbara, the fact that Best is on the Spectrum is not exactly a new thought. I don't doubt it for a second.
But those delusions are causing too many fires on the Internet to be ignored. If you ignore a bushfire at it's source, it'll destroy a lot of lives.
He has smeared my name via his blog rather badly - not to mention that of others (I won't name names but you know what I mean). You are underestimating the Internet - and I talk through more experience than you can. Do you have a succesful defamation case that was wholly on the Net under your belt? I do. That stuff is DANGEROUS!
Best is irresponsible and careless, callous and without pity. He needs to be taught a severe lesson. You and your friends failed to get the job done in 2005. I'm getting it done.
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM
Phil Gluyas,
You chose the wrong solution.
The proper choice would be to cure your diminished mental capacity so you can stop acting like an imbecile. Then, you wouldn't keep giving us reasons to laugh at you.
John Best, at 11:42 PM
I chose the right solution, Best. You are incapable of making correct decisions because you are blinded by guilt and rage - hiding your true ID as an Aspie and the way you have treated your son.
You are the insane one. Utterly so.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM
"The proper choice would be to cure your diminished mental capacity so you can stop acting like an imbecile. Then, you wouldn't keep giving us reasons to laugh at you."
Yet another masturbatory interjection from NH's resident fuck-knows-what!
Full of nothing but baseless insult.
ND - 950+
JBJr- 0
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:59 AM
Phil Gluyas,
Yes, Phil, I see the error of my ways now. It's insane of me to try to help my injured son. I should have left the mercury in his brain to kill more brain cells so he could become as stupid as you and claim that he loves going through life with brain damage.
Sanity Pending,
Thanks for showing us how your brain damage does not allow to write a response to anything without including four letter words. It speaks very highly of your profession when you do that so, keep it up.
John Best, at 1:00 PM
"Sanity Pending,"
Baseless insult.
"Thanks for showing us how your brain damage does not allow to write a response to anything without including four letter words."
Prejudiced insult.
"It speaks very highly of your profession when you do that so, keep it up."
I don't think anybody could classify that sensibly, least of all you!
And look.... not a four letter word is sight!
"without including four letter words."
Says a hypocrite who uses four-letter words when he sees fit to use them!
Maybe he's brain damaged too!!!!!
And another thing....
"It's insane of me to try to help my injured son. I should have left the mercury in his brain to kill more brain cells so he could become as stupid as you and claim that he loves going through life with brain damage."
How messed up is your head, John?????
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:53 PM
ND - 1290+
JBJr- -570
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:54 PM
"You are incapable of making correct decisions because you are blinded by guilt and rage - hiding your true ID as an Aspie and the way you have treated your son."
Firstly, you're right about the guilt and rage (since JBJr prefers psychoanalysis over real psychology!). Secondly... JBJr, and Aspie? Oh, for fuck's sake, no!!!!!
He's nae wan ae us!!!!!!
He's naen burra wee prick!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:56 PM
Sanity Lost,
Right back to the four-letter words. Did the bars just close in Finland, Dave?
See if you can come up with a better retort when you're sober.
John Best, at 6:39 PM
"Right back to the four-letter words. Did the bars just close in Finland, Dave?
See if you can come up with a better retort when you're sober."
Unlike you, Johnno, I can count.
It was a FIVE letter word. Deal with being wrong.
Besides, since when did you deserve special priveleges?
Right... NEVER!
So... shut the fuck up, or deliver something germane to the argument that ISN'T a cheap attack on someone.
Ah, but you can't do it. Even the supposedly 'brain-damaged' me can predict your behaviour!!!
Jesus, John, you're SO bloody boring!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:22 PM
It's insane of me to try to help my injured son. I should have left the mercury in his brain to kill more brain cells so he could become as stupid as you and claim that he loves going through life with brain damage.
YOU injured your son, idiot. There was no mercury in his brain. There were heavy metals in his gut - and you took at least four years to actual fix it! FOUR YEARS OF INJURY FOR YOUR SON!! THAT is what the chelation cleared.
I have no brain damage. You are an Aspie like me and you don't either.
It's your beliefs that are screwed up. Take off your blinkers and you might learn something. (Heavy emphasis on "might") The real question is - do you have the testicular fortitude to do it?
I doubt it.
(Yes, David, I'm afraid so. Best is one of us. He's an example of someone who has been driven mad, something that you and I have had the sense to avoid. See, if we go mad - Best is the sort of person we'll become! Scary, isn't it?)
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM
"Yes, David, I'm afraid so. Best is one of us. He's an example of someone who has been driven mad, something that you and I have had the sense to avoid. See, if we go mad - Best is the sort of person we'll become! Scary, isn't it"
Actually, obsessive-compulsive personality is more that pillock's game, to be honest. With a good measure of anti-social personality and narcissistic personality. There is fuck all autistic stuff going on in JBJr's evident thinking patterns. Trust me, I've studied this.
Essentially anxious-histrionic... and other shit besides:
Cluster A (odd or eccentric disorders)
* Paranoid personality disorder: characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others.
* Schizoid personality disorder: lack of interest in social relationships, seeing no point in sharing time with others.
* Schizotypal personality disorder: characterized by odd behavior or thinking.
[edit] Cluster B (dramatic, emotional or erratic disorders)
* Antisocial personality disorder: "pervasive disregard for the law and the rights of others".
* Borderline personality disorder: extreme "black and white" thinking, instability in relationships, self-image, identity and behavior.
* Histrionic personality disorder: "pervasive attention-seeking behavior including inappropriate sexual seductiveness and shallow or exaggerated emotions".
* Narcissistic personality disorder: "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy".
[edit] Cluster C (anxious or fearful disorders)
* Avoidant personality disorder: social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and avoidance of social interaction.
* Dependent personality disorder: pervasive psychological dependence on other people.
* Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder): characterized by rigid conformity to rules, moral codes and excessive orderliness.
Make of his inadequacies what you will... but don't think that he's anywhere near autistic. He's too skilled with getting a rise out of people for that.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:41 PM
"* Paranoid personality disorder: characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others."
Fuck it... always one that tries to get away, no?
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 7:43 PM
I have no inadequacies. Stop copying textbooks and try to use your brain for once.
Unlike you, I live life. I don't stand on the sideline. Where you referee games, I played in them. If you had reffed hockey games, I guarantee someone would have shot a puck at your head. It probably would have happened in many games. Nitwits like you could never last in any real sport or in any aspect of real life.
All you're capable of is sitting at your computer and writing gibberish. While people like me solve the mysteries of autism, you sit there like a lummox whining about your lousy life. If my kid's like you when he's 40 years old, I'll be slapping him in the head and telling him to act like a man. That's what your jackass of an old man should be doing to help you.
John Best, at 8:12 PM
"I have no inadequacies. Stop copying textbooks and try to use your brain for once."
You've just admitted to one there... an inadequacy in making a reasonable assessment of your own abilities and inadequacies!
John, you're boring now.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:38 AM
"If my kid's like you when he's 40 years old, I'll be slapping him in the head and telling him to act like a man."
Holy bollocks, John... another inadequacy on your part... you've fuck all clue about how to be a reasonable human being!
You boring, violent, ignorant bastard.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:40 AM
Unlike you, I live life.
And a sheltered one with little real experience in the world it is as well. Did you play for 19 seasons? Did you participate in any games where a championship was at stake (we call them premierships here).
You're the one who isn't lasting in real life. Your failure as a father is proof of that. You only call what I say gibberish to try and deflect the truth. Put us before a court of law - and by the end of it I'll come out squeaky clean and you'll come out a bigger liar than Baron Muchausen and a bigger traitor than Benedict Arnold.
And all I'll need to provide is the truth.
Something you have no concept of such is your LACK of understanding of real life.
Anonymous, at 8:12 AM
David I hate to rain on your parade re Best, but;
Under 299.00
He fulfils three of the four requirements of part 1 (not a) [minimum of 2]
He fulfils part 2 c
He fulfils part 3 a and b
That gives us the minimum of six needed for a diagnosis on the Spectrum.
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
"Under 299.00
He fulfils three of the four requirements of part 1 (not a) [minimum of 2]
He fulfils part 2 c
He fulfils part 3 a and b
That gives us the minimum of six needed for a diagnosis on the Spectrum."
Maybe, Phil, but that's not quite how the diagnosis is made. There are 6 parts in the DSM IV-TR diagnosis of Asperger syndrome, of which you have listed three parts in which six items can be found. There are also exclusions to take into account and, given that we do not know how John became the arsehole that he is, we cannot really say what is going on with him... hence, it might look a little like Asperger's but there may be other issues that are going on that would shift the diagnosis.
Not only that, but there are other things such as personality-based diagnoses; and there's at least one of those that he qualifies for a diagnosis of (and I'll embolden the relevant items relating to his behaviour over the past few years):
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder (301.7)
A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years*, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
2. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
(e. g., pretending to be a number of known autistic children with the result that distress was cause to their parents)
3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
(difficult to have in the internet, but his behaviour otherwise is very aggressive)
5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others
(e. g., publishing one woman's contact details, with an exhortion to call her and harrass her)
6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
(e. g., whenever he is called on to answer for his obnoxious behaviour, his consistent practice of trying to explain it away as something more noble than it obviously is, such as constructive criticism and so on)
B. The individual is at least age 18 years.
(he is way over this, and he has been this way for some time)
C. There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
(his admission that nuns would beat him with rosaries, suggestion that he was frequently in trouble even as a school child)
D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode.
(any evidence of manic or schizophrenic psychosis?)
* - see part C.
So, Antisocial Personality Disorder could well be a more accurate diagnosis.
This, of course, all relies on the assumption that criteria are valid...
I'm away to bed: migraine city is where I live just now).
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:15 PM
Mr Best, our football is far tougher than yours. We don't wear padding or any other sort of protection. Umpires need to run and run a great deal in our game. Umpires in your game are lazy. Umpiring any sport is a very difficult pursuit. Do you have the courage to attempt it?
Gridiron is for sissies. Australian football is for men.
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM
"Sanity Pending,"
100% prejudice-based insult...
0% reasoned content
"That's a whole lot of crap to write to try to rationalize your way out of being exposed as a bunch of frauds."
100% baseless content
0% reasoned content
"When sane people expose frauds like you, we don't typically become chummy with you."
100% prejudiced insult
100% baseless accusation
0% reasoned content
"That doesn't make us anti-social."
No, John. Your own behaviour makes you antisocial. How the fuck someone who thinks he's so intelligent missed THAT one, I do not know!
"It just means we don't like the way you abuse autistic people."
100% unsubstantiated accusation
0% reasoned content
Overall analysis:
JBJr cannot string two words together without them being prejudiced insult or unsubstantiated/baseless accusation, or completely devoid of any reasoned content.
Not an educated man.
Very antisocial though.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 4:40 AM
Gridiron is for sissies. Australian football is for men.
Actually, Bill, I don't agree with that. The sissy game is soccer. The anon below you was closer to the mark, using the word "thug". I look on gridiron the same way as I see rugby league. It's a game for thugs without a brain.
Maybe, Phil, but that's not quite how the diagnosis is made.
Well I never said I was an expert, David! I was simply making the point that the option can't be dismissed. And now that I look at it - I actually went after the wrong code (Autistic Disorder instead of Aspergers).
Anonymous, at 7:46 AM
ABFH, if he repeats that again - please delete it.
Timelord, I have better things to do with my life than referee your interminable insult matches with Best. You may feel compelled to argue with him all over the Internet, and that's your prerogative, but there are other places you can do it besides my blog. I have no interest in reading all his ramblings to see what he did or did not repeat.
I'm going to start deleting comments in this thread and keep on until I get bored, and after that I'm going to remove any future comments that are off topic and/or pointlessly insulting.
abfh, at 2:02 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John Best, at 4:32 PM
Foresam, as of now, you are permanently banned from my blog. I should have done that a long time ago.
abfh, at 6:31 PM
A prudent manoveure, ABFH.
Anonymous, at 11:57 PM
"I look on gridiron the same way as I see rugby league. It's a game for thugs without a brain."
That explains why I never really got into rugby of either sort, then! I've too much brain for it!
(It bored me senseless!)
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 4:29 AM
ABFH, for what it's worth now that Best has been banned from here - I wasn't asking you to be a referee. I wasn't asking if you could temper all his insults. Just that specific one. And it's up to you as to how you handle it - this is your blog after all.
I'll just say in my defence that when Best says something that needs to be denied - I have to do it where he says it. He always says that if there's no reply, he's right. So I have to reply. I don't know if David takes the same attitude or not. I hope you understand my position there.
David, I find gridiron even more boring than rugby! One of my website members (Tex) loves it and I always rib him around Superbowl time because I don't want that rubbish on my site! Soccer's the worst for me. Total yawnfest!
Have you seen our great game?
Anonymous, at 8:19 AM
"Have you seen our great game?"
no, but heard about it...
is it true that aussie rules is no rules? ;)
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:44 AM
"He always says that if there's no reply, he's right. So I have to reply. I don't know if David takes the same attitude or not. I hope you understand my position there."
Actually, this is what convinces me he's not exactly a spectrumite... knows too well how to niggle the shit out of someone just to piss them off.
He knows the Aspie mental state too well to be one of us (sounds odd, I know, but there's something essentially un-Aspie about his way of doing things).
He was the waste of what should have been better left as a wank.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 9:49 AM
David, now that I've banned Best, I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from posting insults directed toward him, as well. Not that he deserves fair play, but it does tend to derail conversations.
abfh, at 11:27 AM
Timelord, most of my family are soccer fans, and while I'll admit it does not have as much action as rugby, it's not a wimp sport either. There are more injuries in soccer than there are in gridiron football.
I've never seen Australian football, though...
abfh, at 11:31 AM
no problem, abfh.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:29 PM
ABFH, injuries don't really indicate the sport's "toughness" (for want of a better word). After all, gridiron has all that padding. And it also depends on why the injuries occur. In soccer it's usually in the legs - unless you're a goalkeeper. And the rules of soccer are geared to no contact. Then there's the chief wimp rule - the offside rule. It destroys the game. But that's me.
There are more injuries than soccer in rugby and Australian football. But we accept it. It's a part of the game and it happens.
is it true that aussie rules is no rules? ;)
Actually, David, only cricket has more rules in the game than Aussie Rules! I could reflect on Best here, but I won't per ABFH's request. I've done an entry on the right hand side of the Hating Autism Response Blog instead. Direct link;
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM
"Actually, David, only cricket has more rules in the game than Aussie Rules!"
Interesting. I'll have to look that up *looks it up*
That pitch is bloody weird! Like it was designed by Riemann! So non-Euclidean! I'd like to see a corner kick being taken on that pitch!
Rules there look complicated for 8.30 in the morning!
I'll have to check out some vids of it though... looks interesting to say the least!
As for the rest you mentioned, some people aren't worth mentioning, you know. Some are best left out, so to speak.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 1:30 AM
Isn't this CADD thing dead yet?
Multiple large petitions, tongue-lashings in the blogosphere, FAAAS ceases organizing ... die, already !
CADD is an untenable idea, promulgated by a group which is glaringly incompetent to perform any meaningful function.
Is this crap really still an issue?
-- ceilingcrash
Anonymous, at 12:45 PM
Ceilingcrash, no, it's not dead yet. FAAAS has lost some influence, but Maxine Aston and others are still very much in business. Tony Attwood stubbornly refuses to withdraw his support, for no apparent reason other than that he doesn't like the idea of ASAN telling him what to do... not a very smart move for a man whose livelihood depends on keeping the respect of the autistic community.
There's more to come. Nothing definite at this point, but I'll report on further developments as they occur.
abfh, at 2:33 PM
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