Ripping, Running, and Advocating
Like many people, I usually get busy toward the end of the summer and have a lot of distracting errands that interrupt my routine; there's an expression "ripping and running," which describes such days. For others who might also have been busy and not had the time to put together comments for the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), I'm taking a few minutes to post this quick reminder that IACC comments are due today. (Details here.)
Even if you don't have time to write long detailed comments, please take a few minutes to put something together. It's important to make sure we get enough responses from self-advocates and pro-neurodiversity allies that the IACC knows it can't just ignore us. If you're stuck wondering what to write, here's a link to last year's ASAN comment, which has some useful talking points.
Edit: Here's a guest comment (thanks Katie!) to show how creative some of our folks are.
By Katie Miller
I did mine this morning. Here is a humorous excerpt:
What are the new opportunities and needs for advancing research and knowledge about ASD in section IV. "Which treatments and interventions will help?"
Instead of wasting money to prove once again that vaccines are not linked to autism, I think you should study why people believe in conspiracy theories, and what we can do to cure and prevent it. Research treatments and interventions that have helped holocaust and AIDS deniers. Establish a genetic bank of conspiracy theorist cell and tissue samples to identify risk factors and eventually lead to prevention and/or cure. Is believing in anti-vaccine theory linked to intelligence, emotional instability, or other genetic risk factors? Does it strike all populations equally? What can we do to help these people have a better quality of life? It is an enormous financial and psychological burden to care for an anti-vaccine theorist. The money they spend on dangerous, ineffective treatments for their children is enough to bankrupt a family, costing over $4 million across the lifespan of the theorist. Their numbers are increasing to epidemic proportions. Action is needed now.
Even if you don't have time to write long detailed comments, please take a few minutes to put something together. It's important to make sure we get enough responses from self-advocates and pro-neurodiversity allies that the IACC knows it can't just ignore us. If you're stuck wondering what to write, here's a link to last year's ASAN comment, which has some useful talking points.
Edit: Here's a guest comment (thanks Katie!) to show how creative some of our folks are.
By Katie Miller
I did mine this morning. Here is a humorous excerpt:
What are the new opportunities and needs for advancing research and knowledge about ASD in section IV. "Which treatments and interventions will help?"
Instead of wasting money to prove once again that vaccines are not linked to autism, I think you should study why people believe in conspiracy theories, and what we can do to cure and prevent it. Research treatments and interventions that have helped holocaust and AIDS deniers. Establish a genetic bank of conspiracy theorist cell and tissue samples to identify risk factors and eventually lead to prevention and/or cure. Is believing in anti-vaccine theory linked to intelligence, emotional instability, or other genetic risk factors? Does it strike all populations equally? What can we do to help these people have a better quality of life? It is an enormous financial and psychological burden to care for an anti-vaccine theorist. The money they spend on dangerous, ineffective treatments for their children is enough to bankrupt a family, costing over $4 million across the lifespan of the theorist. Their numbers are increasing to epidemic proportions. Action is needed now.
Labels: activism, funding priorities
Well hey abfh darlin! Been busy workin an such so I aint been around..I'll be tellin my girl Thelma bout this an some of tha friends we has met who are all for the neurodiversity! Boy howdy I will!
Unknown, at 2:27 PM
If you're going to send a comment, here is my advice to you. Don't let yourself be pigeonholed into their patronizing categories that support the medical model of autism such as "Person with an ASD," "Concerned Citizen," and the like. Instead, write your descriptions in the "Other" box. If you're autistic, write "Autistic Self-Advocate" (this is what I'm doing) and if you're non-autistic, write "Pro-Neurodiversity Ally." Don't give them any impression that you support their medical model of autism.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 3:48 PM
That's a really good point, Sadderbutwisergirl, and I'll definitely be doing that.
The problem is that filling out the form itself seems to require some degree of acquiescence to the medical model. The structured format of responding to the six questions is hard to respond to when you disagree with the entire framework! Argh. Will try to figure out how to work around this.
Sarah, at 3:56 PM
@Sarah: Thanks and I know how hard it is. I worked hard on my answers for weeks and I've saved them on a Word document all ready to copy and paste right into the answer boxes. But it is pretty hard to do, considering that it was meant for curebies to answer, not pro-neurodiversity peeps. But I've been keeping strong remembering that Oskar Schindler did something that was a lot closer to siding with the enemy than filling out a form to a curebie organization in the name of working for his cause. He opened up a concentration camp and socialized with Nazis and in doing so, he ended up saving over a thousand Jews.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 6:31 PM
I just sent in my IACC form. Unfortunately, somebody deleted my Word document and I had to try to remember everything I wrote and considering that it's almost midnight over here, I wasn't able to remember that much of it, but I think I got the gist.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 11:47 PM
Katie's brilliant! That's a superb analogy! LMAO!
Anonymous, at 7:35 AM
I also thought that was brilliant. In answer to the first question, I wrote about how anti-autism prejudice is contributing to the suicide rate in the United States and how it's a national crisis that it's happening. In part c, I was writing "Another 18 minutes gone... That person could have been autistic. Another 18 minutes gone by... we'd better get on that before more autistic people kill themselves due to the prejudice stirred up by pro-cure organizations!"
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 2:15 PM
How about addressing and remedying the absence of future income and property of many highly impaired autistics who cannot gain skills and therefore cannot work in careers, while the non-impaired talented anti-curebies, who pretend to care about the problem of prejudice, get amazing skills and go on to successful jobs and high incomes?
lurker, at 10:28 PM
Cresp, how about you piss off and leave the real people to discuss stuff and stop trying to fuck threads (which is what you're out to do).
Go on. Piss off, you boring fucking loser!
With apologies to abfh; this is the only way we can deal with that sort of person... appeals to reasonability in such people don't work - they aren't reasonable. I would just like Cresp to piss off and get a life. The rest of us are trying to get ourselves reasonable lives before we die; he just sits on his fat arse and whinges for hours on end.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 4:42 AM
Fuck it. I'll respond to this piece of bullshit by Billy 'Lurker' Cresp ... because it is classic bullshit from him:
"... while the non-impaired talented anti-curebies, who pretend to care about the problem of prejudice, get amazing skills and go on to successful jobs and high incomes?"
In as much as he's harping on about autistics, even those of us who have university degrees have problems with a lot of things, and he's been bollocked about making assumptions about facts not in evidence. I don't know of a great many autistics who are making THAT much money and gaining THAT spectacular a skill set, or getting such brilliantly successful jobs.
Cresp is a bloody low-life whinging little troll, and has no intention of debating things here... he just wants to plague the thread with his grossly misinformed and misinforming assumptions, and disrupt the thread.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:08 AM
How about addressing and remedying the absence of future income and property of many highly impaired autistics who cannot gain skills and therefore cannot work in careers
I am, Cresp. You aren't. And this isn't a case of "can not". It's a case of "not allowed". Which doesn't apply to you. In your case, it's "will not" because you just couldn't be bloody bothered!
David's right. I call on the entire Autistic community (as I have done already on my website) to chase this fool away. He has no business on any of these blogs because he has no genuine interest in the Spectrum. He's not on the Spectrum himself and is not affected by it in any way. He's just looking for a way to justify his cowardly lazy nature, and his choice to do bugger all about his lot in life!
Anonymous, at 9:10 AM
Lurker, actually I'm very much in favor of people like you being cured of what ails them -- which, as far as I can tell, seems to consist of persistent complaining and habitual histrionics. It's definitely not autism.
My prescription: Get your self-pitying sad-sack ass out of your desk chair and start doing something useful with your life. If you can't get a paid job, then look for volunteer work, such as serving meals to the homeless. Maybe you'll figure out after a while that the majority of the world's population is worse off than you.
In the meantime, I'm happy to help you to break your trolling addiction by banning you from my blog. From now on, anything that you post here will be promptly deleted.
abfh, at 10:18 AM
Ooooh, ouch. That's gotta hurt. So far, that's the second blog to ban you, lurker. From now on, I'm keeping track of all the blogs that are banning lurker the jerker and announcing the count every time I see a banning of said jerker.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 1:37 PM
Actually, it's the fifth I know of. LB/RB, The Gonzolog, Cat in a Dog's World, Turner and Kowalski, and now, abfh has had enough of his sorry whining. Whoo-hoo, way to go!
Phil, check your Neurodiversity mailbox.
Clay, at 2:26 PM
Oops, Thelma and Louise banned him too.
Clay, at 2:28 PM
Wait a minute, didn't the Cube Demon also ban his sorry ass?
Anyone know of any more?
Clay, at 2:30 PM
@Clay: So far, that's seven and I don't know of any more that have banned this jerker. If there are more, I'll let you know.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 3:26 PM
Make that eight - I've also banned him. And well said, ABFH. Not the first time that's been said to him, and he won't do it because he suffers from a "disease" called laziness.
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM
MUST SEE! Mama Cass is "Different"
Clay, at 12:10 AM
This post, Katie's comment and the Lurker responses amused me so much!
Thank you alls.
Gonzo, at 12:19 AM
@Gonzo: By the lurker responses, did you mean his trolling responses or our responses to his trolling? (Oooh, ouch, even if lurker is reading this, he can't respond!)
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 11:56 AM
He's probably crying, SBWG! Serves him right!
Anonymous, at 7:31 PM
@Timelord: That is pure optimism. I highly doubt that that jerker is feeling remorse. Probably got flames emerging in his head and going to the tips to his fingers, but alas! No proper place to let them out! More likely that he's boiling mad, if you ask me.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 9:59 PM
In his case, SBWG, I think crying and boiling mad amounts to the same thing!
Anonymous, at 8:13 AM
Here's a humorous limerick about this jerker:
There once was a troll named lurker who would lurk
But unfortunately was also a big jerk.
And when the jerker was shooting his flames,
Our friend added him to her list of banned names,
And as we all cheered, the jerker went berserk!
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 10:53 AM
"Lurker, actually I'm very much in favor of people like you being cured of what ails them -- which, as far as I can tell, seems to consist of persistent complaining and habitual histrionics. It's definitely not autism."
He is banned from my blog. I don't know how to reason with Lurker. I put out math proofs. I show him step by step in an algorithmic fashion. Sometimes I don't understand him. He seems to mix events up in his mind.
I can't reason with him that maybe what some of his employers want him to do is not efficient at all. It is very inefficient. I show him the proof and I even give the guy credit for a correction he made. Lurker is an enigma. Reason does not work with him. In fact, for alot of people reason does not work well with them. I know not why.
"My prescription: Get your self-pitying sad-sack ass out of your desk chair and start doing something useful with your life. If you can't get a paid job, then look for volunteer work, such as serving meals to the homeless. Maybe you'll figure out after a while that the majority of the world's population is worse off than you."
At least he has food and shelter. There are people in Ethiopia who drink dirty water which came out of the sewer and live in card board boxes. This is serious.
Now that's a disgusting shithole that they are forced to reside in. Personally, I wish I could do something for them. Billy needs to be content with what he has now.
My social skills are poor but I've been envious of those who have excellent social skills. I will be envious no more.
I have my family and you guys. I say that's more than enough to get me by socially. I especially have timelord to talk to about crap.
For Billy, he could volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. If I was single right now, I would do it.
"In the meantime, I'm happy to help you to break your trolling addiction by banning you from my blog. From now on, anything that you post here will be promptly deleted."
You did the right thing I think.
A better future for all, at 11:22 AM
"I don't know how to reason with Lurker."
Because reason and Lurker are sworn fuckin' enemies....
"Sometimes I don't understand him."
That's the wee fuckin' weasel's aim....
"Lurker is an enigma. "
No. He's a twat. A sad, bollockless, infantile twat.
With a cock the size of a midge's knob.
"Reason does not work with him."
Because reason would fuck his 'argument' up... as it always has done.
"I know not why."
WRT Lurker... I do. He's a spineless, fuckwitted arsehole... with haemorrhoids!
And his bum-chum Mitchell's not much better. That pillock hasn't heard of the word 'sworn' before! What a bollocks!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 6:29 PM
Aww, he's a twat? I was hoping to kidnap him and dump him in Lightwater, but for some reason, only one twat at a time is allowed there...
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 10:14 AM
SBWG, What or Where is Lightwater?
A better future for all, at 10:40 AM
@Cube Demon: Lightwater is a town in Surrey, England. I found out about it when I read an article about the "appropriateness police" not allowing certain names to be circulated because of a swearword being able to be picked out from that. One example was Lightwater because it has the word "twat" in it, as in Lightwater. And that has led to a joke of mine that only one twat is allowed in Lightwater at a time.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 1:00 PM
"@Cube Demon: Lightwater is a town in Surrey, England. I found out about it when I read an article about the "appropriateness police" not allowing certain names to be circulated because of a swearword being able to be picked out from that. One example was Lightwater because it has the word "twat" in it, as in Lightwater. And that has led to a joke of mine that only one twat is allowed in Lightwater at a time."
I like your pun but it's sad that words have to be banned because of people's stupid immaturity.
Who made this policy? How many sheets of acid were they doing?
A better future for all, at 1:17 PM
I don't know who started that whole policy, but a guy was interviewed who shared an experience of being unable to get an e-mail address because of his surname being Lipshitz and one item was a football player whose surname wasn't allowed to be on his jersey because his surname was Gay. I don't advocate free-for-all access to Girls Gone Wild or American Pie here, but I think "appropriateness" standards have gotten out of hand. Here we've got people not being allowed to get e-mail addresses or set up websites for their towns simply because some immature jerk might notice the little hidden swearword. Ugh.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 4:11 PM
People can't help the names they have! Sheesh! Where's the flexibility in this world gone? No wonder we are having trouble with tolerance.
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
But in the meantime, I'm going to put lurker the jerker on Lightwater's waiting list of twats. As I mentioned, only one twat is allowed to be in Lightwater at a time. The only problem is that the twat usually moves out because he feels lonely for other twats. So they have a waiting list. When one twat moves out, another moves into town. When they finally get to lurker the jerker, we'll all shout hooray!
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 11:55 PM
"People can't help the names they have! Sheesh! Where's the flexibility in this world gone? No wonder we are having trouble with tolerance."
Think about it this way. Don't think of tolerance and bigotedness as being on a linear line. This is how most people think. Think of it as circular.
Why can't given society be so tolerant that it can become bigoted?
Here is the contrary. Why can't a given society be so bigoted that it can become tolerant?
This is what happened in SBWG's country.
In essence, SBWG's nation has become so tolerant it has become bigotted.
Personally, if more people thought circular and in cycles instead of linear, I think we would have better problem solving for issues.
A better future for all, at 9:28 AM
Being circular actually halts progress, Cube Demon. But you're right about being linear.
A squiggly line is best - if I'm getting the analogy right (it's off the top of my head I'll admit).
But having said all that - I do agree with SBWG re "twat" and you know who!
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM
"But in the meantime, I'm going to put lurker the jerker on Lightwater's waiting list of twats. As I mentioned, only one twat is allowed to be in Lightwater at a time. The only problem is that the twat usually moves out because he feels lonely for other twats. So they have a waiting list. When one twat moves out, another moves into town. When they finally get to lurker the jerker, we'll all shout hooray!"
This makes me wonder how many Twats are on the waiting list?
I have an idea for the Twats to do in the mean time while they wait. I have own a lake in dumpwater, Florida.
I offer a service for the disposal of bullshit. I will dispose 10 pounds of bullshit per $10.00
Now these Twats talk 1 ton of bullshit maybe more. Since we have 2000 pounds in a ton we can multiply $10.00 X 2000 = $20,000 per ton of bullshit these twats can dump in my lake.
By all of the bullshit these twats they say including lurker I say we could make a lot of money off of this and we can donate alot of it to our cause.
A better future for all, at 9:41 AM
"Being circular actually halts progress, Cube Demon. But you're right about being linear."
Actually, you're right it would halt progress. Sometimes though we may want to halt progress.
Could we progress ourselves to be so tolerant that we tolerate John Best Jr's behavior?
Could we progress ourselves to be so tolerant that we tolerate lurker's laziness and we accept it?
Could we progress ourselves in this country to segregation coming back?
This is why I see it as circular and we need to be careful not to complete the cycle.
In fact, it is possible for JBjr to claim ABFH as biggoted against him because of what JBjr believes.
Trolls could claim that ABFH is so tolerant that trolls are bigoted against in the name of tolerance.
Timelord, do you see my issues with this?
My point is we need to be careful of how tolerant we can be. We can become so tolerant we tolerate sexism and racism. Again, do you see my point?
"A squiggly line is best - if I'm getting the analogy right (it's off the top of my head I'll admit)."
Are you talking about a spiral? Maybe that would be better in a way.
A better future for all, at 10:01 AM
Metaphorically, a person can become so tolerant and progress to tolerance so much that they end up going back to bigottedness. We have to be careful this does not happen to us in our thinking.
A better future for all, at 10:03 AM
"Metaphorically, a person can become so tolerant and progress to tolerance so much that they end up going back to bigottedness. We have to be careful this does not happen to us in our thinking."
You mean that they'll start spouting phrases like "Intolerance shall not be tolerated!" Am I correct?
That particular episode of South Park has been complained about by a lot of people I know, including some children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors because of the way they had the children go through a "Holocaust" in the name of teaching them a lesson. But all that is to prove a point. I know someone who often says that everyone who has ever been racist should be made to be a slave or go into a concentration camp so that they'll know just how horrible it was. That episode is to prove just how illogical that point of view is. The slogan of the Holocaust survivors was "Never again" and the meaning of that was that they didn't want a repeat of the Holocaust on anyone. They were deprived of their human rights and often their family members during those years and they didn't want others to repeat the experience. Not even those who were intolerant on a smaller scale.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 11:04 AM
"You mean that they'll start spouting phrases like "Intolerance shall not be tolerated!" Am I correct?"
Yes this is correct. It's saying that I am intolerant of of all intolerance. It's problematic as I have demonstrated.
Check out my post about pessimism.
It is similar in the cyclical structure to tolerance and intolerance.
I ask why can't I be so pessimesstic that I am against pessimism itself and my own pessimism as well. This is why I see myself as a pessimist. I see a flaw with optimism. Optimists are pessimistic against one thing and that is pessimism.
"That particular episode of South Park has been complained about by a lot of people I know, including some children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors because of the way they had the children go through a "Holocaust" in the name of teaching them a lesson. But all that is to prove a point. I know someone who often says that everyone who has ever been racist should be made to be a slave or go into a concentration camp so that they'll know just how horrible it was. That episode is to prove just how illogical that point of view is. The slogan of the Holocaust survivors was "Never again" and the meaning of that was that they didn't want a repeat of the Holocaust on anyone. They were deprived of their human rights and often their family members during those years and they didn't want others to repeat the experience. Not even those who were intolerant on a smaller scale."
Yes, if they tried to do a real holocaust to show what a real holocaust to say never again just did it again. It becomes moot. The thing is you have to stop somewhere on these cycles.
If we are to have absolute tolerance than ABFH should allow JBJr's misogynist and Trollish behavior. I don't think ABFH wants to and will allow JBjr's trollish behavior on her blog.
This is the problem with tolerance taken to an absolute.
A better future for all, at 5:10 PM
No, not a spiral, Cube Demon. A squiggly represents no direction. People like Best want a circular situation, but you get that from those who live in the past and demand the metaphorical time machine to be activated for the so called good of society (ie bring back segregation - and use people like us as an excuse because we would actually be comfortable to a degree with a lack of social inclusion, which is not in the strictest sense true.
Actually Cube Demon, you should really throw this to the Phil's World membership, even though Allison has been on this blog before now. Kim Wombles has joined and I'm sure she may have some ideas.
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM
@Cuabe Demon: Actually, if you became tolerant of intolerance, it would show a lack of tolerance for the groups said intolerant person is ranting against. And all in the name of being tolerant of everyone.
Did that make sense?
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 1:08 PM
"@Cuabe Demon: Actually, if you became tolerant of intolerance, it would show a lack of tolerance for the groups said intolerant person is ranting against. And all in the name of being tolerant of everyone.
Did that make sense?"
Yes, it makes perfect sense to me and now you understand.
A better future for all, at 1:15 PM
Aw, man! I was hoping to make someone's brain hurt! Well, maybe someone else's brain will be hurting from reading that...
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 5:17 PM
I only did that just to make you feel better, SBWG! (LOL!)
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM
Hahaha! That was funny, Timelord! That did make me feel a little bit better, as well as make milk go out my nose (thankfully it wasn't coffee or I'd be really pissed).
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 10:51 AM
About the difference between me and Wanker... I mean Billy Cresp!
Phil, on Cresp:
"He has no business on any of these blogs because he has no genuine interest in the Spectrum. He's not on the Spectrum himself and is not affected by it in any way. He's just looking for a way to justify his cowardly lazy nature, and his choice to do bugger all about his lot in life!"
Exactly... he's not autistic, and he isn't interested in it at all. Yes is is looking for excuses... he's a lazy piece of shit.
ABFH, on Wanker:
"Get your self-pitying sad-sack ass out of your desk chair and start doing something useful with your life. If you can't get a paid job, then look for volunteer work, such as serving meals to the homeless."
While I've been very unable to get work (not speaking Finnish so well, and not having laillistettu status as a health-care psychologist, which I'm not... I'm educational!), I've been doing other activities... things that, although they attract no salary, do attract additional money. And also have some social utility value.
Cube Demon, on some lazy git:
"For Billy, he could volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. If I was single right now, I would do it."
Know what I'm doing these days?
1- on placement with the local social psychiatric association doing a number of things in roughly equal parts-
* a form of musical therapy;
* conversational work with clients;
* educational work with staff and clients;
* self-development work;
2- consultant educational psychologist to a local training provider specialising in autism issues;
3- occasional work for my alma mater, the University of Birmingham;
4- occasional work as an academic tutor/supervisor for students taking qualifications;
My current placement is for three months in the first instance... in addition to having the previous month's exploratory placement before.
Not really a highly paid job job (at all) but it is work activity, and it is more than that frigging little piece of shit Cresp can be arsed to bloody do!
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 2:58 PM
Well, bugger me sideways!!!!
"lurker has left a new comment on your post "Welcome to a new blog...
well, one I've been think...":"
I don't actually use that blog... not enough time!
"I saw that comment you made regarding me recently."
"Don't you ever fucking compare yourself to me like that again!"
How's 'fuck off' sound?
"I don't have a bunch of
degrees to list next to my name like you do and qualifications with
which to get various jobs!"
Doesn't fucking matter. I don't need all the qualifications I have for this job, although the content of my whole study profile does help somewhat in doing the things I am being asked to do. So you can't use that sodding excuse!
"I'm the one whose been tossed aside by
various employers over the years due to my lack of qualifications, so
cut out the self-righteous bullshit!"
Fucking what? So have I! But I still fucking looked for things to do to be bloody useful, and to get a little extra money and to try and preserve my bloody dignity! And I've done these types of job since I graduated. You have a degree yourself (so you say), so get it fucking used!
"I've been working at off the books
jobs that someone arranged for me, the few hours of which are available
to me."
Doing anything else? Because you could do!
"Why don't you get off your ass and get a clue?"
I'm off my arse, twat; you're the one sitting on yours all the fucking time.
So shut the fuck up. Next time you write to my blog I'll just fucking block you.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 4:31 PM
Lurker is such a stupid twat!
"lurker has left a new comment on your post "Welcome to a new blog...
well, one I've been think...":"
Oh fucking Christ!
"What a coward you are not facing just me with a response while choosing
to put this shit up where all the suck ups are!"
No. You're the coward, Lurker... you're an arrogant little shit who can't stand it when someone gives him the treatment he so fucking richly deserves for having the gall to comment on issues that have fuck all to do with him in a way that is designed to fucking piss people off! Go all out to piss people off, you will get the treatment you fucking deserve. Don't want that treatment? Simple solution... stop being a twat!
"Almost nothing in your
response resembled anything cogent."
You want cogent? Give cogent! You've never been cogent in your fucking life!
"Your lies don't make sense and you
can't do anything about it!"
I haven't lied, you dozey little shit. You have, though: you've lied to the point that it's made a pal of mine very fucking anxious! You're a lying little twat who can't handle having been caught out. Your issue, so you fucking deal with it. And leave us the fuck alone!
"My degree isn't even worth the paper it's
printed on and I have no skills."
Bullshit excuse. And no degree taken leaves its holder with absolutely no fucking skills. That I fucking DO know, so don't try to lie your way out of taking a bit of fucking responsibility for your life.
"Don't fucking talk about me if you don't want me to yell back! You won't shut me the fuck up!"
Whinge, whinge, whinge....
"I'm deprived of too damn much to tolerate being chased away by a motherfucking bulldog like you!"
"Block me!? Block me from what? Nobody fucking blocks
Anybody can fucking block you, you little supercilious piece of twat-rag... Jesus fucking Christ, you DO have a very over-inflated idea of your value as a person, don't you? When you actually make the effort to improve your own life, THEN come back and start having a go at me. Until then, you'll always be a little shit. Who can only talk shit. And who can only be arsed to do shit all to try and improve his pathetic little life... a life he is doing fuck all to improve! Jesus fucking Christ - I've seen people with IQs less than yours make serious attempts to improve their lives (real people with REAL severe mental disabilities, I mean ... not fucking pretenders like you who think you can lie your way into getting sympathy by applying false labels to your abilities). Cresp, until you change that bollockish attitude of yours, you'll get fuck all from me. You're a twat. A totally worthless little twat. And that's all there is to it.
ABFH, I'm hoping this useless tosser realises that this is his last quote-sesh here. He's useless and can't stand being told that. He's useless by his consent, and that is his fucking problem. He's an arrogant little fuck who wants the world to work according to his fucking rules and gets upset because it won't capitulate to his little pussy-arsed whims. Poor fucking Billy Fucking Cresp... woe is him... but only because he hasn't got the balls to get in tune with fucking reality and do something about his fucking pathetic life.
What a pathetic wee turd he really is, and now we know that.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:01 AM
And, Cresp, if you're deprived then the only person depriving you of thigngs is you.
You have a degree. No degree course leaves a person with absolutely no bloody useful skills! Not even a medical degree (much of which in the later years is based on MCQ exams) is capable of failing to change a person's skill level.
You say that your degree is worth nothing; what university was it from? Why is it not worth the paper it's fucking written on? What's wrong with it? What was your major? What minors did you take? What electives? Unless it was from one of those diploma mills, your complaint about your degree is bullshit (because if it was, you'd have reason to complain to your country's authorities, and this you have not done).
All real university degrees give the student opportunities to learn a whole set of skills, academic and non-academic; and these skills are meant to be transferable. The responsibility is on the student to use those opportunities. The responsibility of the support services is to assist, but they cannot use those opportunities in the student's behalf. If you didn't pick those skills up, then that is - quite frankly - your look-out.
Basically, you've been a lazy git. Start looking at your degree and figuring out the skills it DID give you that you can't be arsed to fucking recognise.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 5:23 AM
David haven't you worked it out yet? He doesn't have a degree! The twat just can't stop lying to cover for his real problem - he's 100 percent LAZY!
Your first entry from him was brought to my attention by my buddy Scratcher, and as a result my article on Cresp has got an update here;
(Don't forget to take out the space between the slash and "unfriendly")
Anonymous, at 9:29 AM
And nobody blocks him? I blocked him from my website, so that's another lie just by the way!
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM
David wrote:
ABFH, I'm hoping this useless tosser realises that this is his last quote-sesh here.
Yes, I don't want to see anything more from or about him on my blog. This particular thread doesn't matter much because it's unlikely that there would have been new comments on it anyway, but please do not discuss him here or repost his garbage on my blog in the future.
abfh, at 9:58 AM
ABFH, okay... no problem.
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 12:29 PM
David, you can always join the forum attached to my website and we can talk about him there. And you can repost his BS there as well.
Noted, ABFH.
Anonymous, at 7:44 PM
cheers, phil :)
David N. Andrews M. Ed., C. P. S. E., at 6:53 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
A better future for all, at 9:04 PM
"Hahaha! That was funny, Timelord! That did make me feel a little bit better, as well as make milk go out my nose (thankfully it wasn't coffee or I'd be really pissed)."
SBWG, With you, it looks like I've met my match lol :)) I feel a bit better myself.
A better future for all, at 9:05 PM
@Timelord: What do you mean by it looking like you've met your match? I'm just a little confused on this.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 11:32 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
A better future for all, at 8:06 AM
"@Timelord: What do you mean by it looking like you've met your match? I'm just a little confused on this."
That was me who said it. Here is the meaning. It's a cliched idiom.
A better future for all, at 8:08 AM
@Cube Demon: Sorry. Since that was originally directed at Timelord, I assumed that it was he who was responding. That ought to teach me to look at the usernames more carefully!
Oh, thanks. I'm wondering what you think I'm your equal or better at.
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 1:31 PM
"@Cube Demon: Sorry. Since that was originally directed at Timelord, I assumed that it was he who was responding. That ought to teach me to look at the usernames more carefully!
Oh, thanks. I'm wondering what you think I'm your equal or better at."
Philosophy and word play.
A better future for all, at 2:58 PM
Thanks. I got into word play because my mom told me to stop playing with my food and I chose my words instead to compensate because I didn't think it would be as fun as playing with my food, but at least I'd be playing with something that I'd eat soon afterwards. After I actually started playing with my words, though, I couldn't eat them because they were too good to eat. Now I just play with my words for the fun of it. Does that make sense?
Sadderbutwisergirl, at 8:04 PM
"Thanks. I got into word play because my mom told me to stop playing with my food and I chose my words instead to compensate because I didn't think it would be as fun as playing with my food, but at least I'd be playing with something that I'd eat soon afterwards. After I actually started playing with my words, though, I couldn't eat them because they were too good to eat. Now I just play with my words for the fun of it. Does that make sense?"
lol makes perfect sense to me.
A better future for all, at 5:29 PM
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